Il lun, 2003-02-03 alle 18:59, David Jencks ha scritto:
> As I said it works only in ByApplication criteria
> <fixed><color><param>0C0C,2121,A8A8</param><bigger>Are you calling
> ds.getConnection() or
> ds.getConnection(user, pw)?  </bigger></color></fixed>
> the last one.
> </excerpt>
> If you call ds.getConnection(user, pw) you MUST NOT provide a
> LoginModule and you must use the ByApplication criteria if your
> adapter does not support reauthentication or ByNothing if it does. 
> Login modules are for use only with Container manager security, which
> basically means you always call ds.getConnection().
Well, I'm working on modification of the source. There some hack (I
already tryied them and they work) to check the password and go on, but
I'm trying to understand I could do something better implementing on
JBoss the modified DES algorithm used by Oracle to make password check
in a cleaner form.
Just a doubt, if I use getConnection() not only in LoginModule, but also
on my applications I log to Oracle with just one user, so in this manner
I will have J2ee role in use, but I couldn't use the Oracle Roles on
package/stored procedure and table. Is it correct? Or Could I use
getConnection(user,pwd) in my Beans?

Thanks for the interest and your good code JBoss src is fun!!

--------------- all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

bye Stefano 
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