Yep.. your way is valid too but you take a
synchronization hit on every read.  The otherway, the
performace hit is on the write.  As I said previously,
if you read the map ALLOT more than you write to it,
then it makes sense to do it backwards.


--- Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This seems backwards to me.  I usually do something
> like this:
> class X
> {
>      HashMap clients = new HashMap();
>      public void someMethod()
>      {
>         synchronized(clients)
>         {
>              m.put(dc, cq);
>         }
>          ...
>      }
>      public void someOtherMethod()
>      {
>          HashMap clientsCopy = null;
>          synchronized(clients)
>          {
>              clientsCopy = new HashMap(clients);
>          }
>          Iterator i =
> clientsCopy.keySet().iterator();
>          while( i.hasNext() )
>          {
>              ...
>          }
>      }
> }
> For the insert, you only get a quick synchronized
> around the add, and 
> on iteration you get a single copy in the
> synchronize.  If the 
> iteration very small and quick, I sometimes put the
> entire iteration in 
> the synchronized block, but you need to be careful
> about open calls.
> -dain
> On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 11:20 AM, Scott M
> Stark wrote:
> > I have seen this usage construct in a few places
> in the code and it 
> > makes
> > no sense to me:
> >
> > class X
> > {
> >     HashMap clients = new HashMap();
> >
> >     public void someMethod()
> >     {
> >        synchronized(clients)
> >         {
> >             HashMap m = new HashMap(clients);
> >             m.put(dc, cq);
> >             clients=m;
> >        }
> >         ...
> >     }
> >     public void someOtherMethod()
> >     {
> >         Iterator i = clients.keySet().iterator();
> >         while( i.hasNext() )
> >         {
> >             ...
> >         }
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > The unsynchronized clients HashMap is synchronized
> and copied when
> > modified and accessed without synchronization in
> other contexts. This 
> > is
> > not thread safe for the accesses and makes for
> very expensive updates.
> > Why isn't the HashMap simply synchronized and used
> without copying?
> >
> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Scott Stark
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > JBoss Group, LLC
> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
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