Arhh...  It would be simpler if the JMX objects were
updated from client side.  But since that is out of
the question for now, I'll just give you a few

- fake the session problem out and say there is
allways 1 session.  
- Try to put the JSR77 code in an interceptor (like
the TracingInterceptor).  
- To count the messages received, monitor message
acks.. they are the confimations that the messages
were processed ok.


--- Scott M Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> JSR77 wants to provide a top down view of the JMS
> stats as shown in
> the attached pdf page showing the JMSStats interface
> model:
> JMSStats -> JMSConnectionStats[] ->
> JMSSessionStats[] -> {JMSProduerStats[],
> JMSConsumerStats[],
>     messageCount, pendingMessageCount,
> expiredMessageCount, messageWaitTime{min, max,
> total},
>     durableSubscriptionCount}
> JMSProduerStats -> {name, messageCount,
> pendingMessageCount, expiredMessageCount,
>     messageWaitTime{min, max, total}}
> JMSConsumerStats -> {name, messageCount,
> pendingMessageCount, expiredMessageCount,
>     messageWaitTime{min, max, total}}
> We don't seem to have a real good representation of
> a session on the server.
> I have looked at adding a basic
> connection/{producer/messageCount,
> consumer/messageCount} point
> using the JMSDestinationManager addMessage and
> receive methods using something like:
>    public void addMessage(ConnectionToken dc,
> SpyMessage val, Tx txId) throws JMSException
>    {
>       JMSDestination queue =
> ...
>       // Update the client stats
>       String destName =
> queue.getSpyDestination().getName();
>       ClientStats stats = (ClientStats)
> clientStats.get(dc);
>       if( stats != null )
>       {
>          stats.incProducerCount(destName);
>       }
>    }
>    public SpyMessage receive(ConnectionToken dc, int
> subscriberId, long wait) throws JMSException
>    {
>       ClientConsumer clientConsumer =
> getClientConsumer(dc);
>       SpyMessage msg =
> clientConsumer.receive(subscriberId, wait);
>       JMSDestination queue =
>       // Update the client stats
>       String destName =
> queue.getSpyDestination().getName();
>       ClientStats stats = (ClientStats)
> clientStats.get(dc);
>       if( stats != null )
>       {
>          stats.incConsumerCount(destName);
>       }
>       return msg;
>    }
> which might be ok for an initial cut but it leaves a
> lot of seemingly difficult to gather wait
> times. Any better ideas on how to provide more of
> this information?
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Scott Stark
> Chief Technology Officer
> JBoss Group, LLC
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pdf name=JMSStats.pdf

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