I just built the JBoss_3_2_0_RC2 tag and there have been no changes to the
3.2 branch since this tag was applied. What version of the JDK are you using
so someone else with OSX can see if they can verify the problem. In the
past I thought we saw this when too many files where input to xdoclet.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stefan Reich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:05 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] jboss 3.2 head doesn't compile

> compile-mbean-sources:
>      [mkdir] Created dir:  
> /Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/output/gen-src
> sourcepath is deprecated. the preferred way to design sources is via  
> nested <fileset>
> Running xdoclet.XDocletMain loaded by  
> org.apache.tools.ant.AntClassLoader. Forked:true
>    [xdoclet] HotSpot not at correct virtual address. Sharing disabled.
>    [xdoclet] Running <mbeanInterface/>
>    [xdoclet]   Generating output for  
> 'org.jboss.util.property.jmx.SystemPropertyClassValue' using template  
> file  
> 'jar:file:/Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/thirdparty/xdoclet/xdoclet/ 
> lib/xdoclet.jar!/xdoclet/jmx/mbean.j'.
>    [xdoclet] Running XDoclet failed
>    [xdoclet] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error running XDoclet
>    [xdoclet] <<Running XDoclet failed.>>
>    [xdoclet]     at xdoclet.XDocletMain.start(XDocletMain.java:77)
>    [xdoclet]     at xjavadoc.ant.XJavaDocMain.main(XJavaDocMain.java:94)
> compile-classes:
>      [mkdir] Created dir:  
> /Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/output/classes
>      [javac] Compiling 191 source files to  
> /Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/output/classes
> /Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/src/main/org/jboss/util/ 
> property/jmx/SystemPropertyClassValue.java:28: cannot access  
> org.jboss.util.property.jmx.SystemPropertyClassValueMBean
> bad class file:  
> /Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/output/gen-src/org/jboss/util/ 
> property/jmx/SystemPropertyClassValueMBean.java
> file does not contain class  
> org.jboss.util.property.jmx.SystemPropertyClassValueMBean
> Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of  
> the classpath.
>     implements SystemPropertyClassValueMBean
>                ^
> 1 error
> file:/Users/Shared/jboss32/jboss-src/common/build.xml:260: Compile  
> failed; see the compiler error output for details.

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