Looks like 1.4.1 breaks more than XDoclet :-( Eclipse does not like it so much either. Looks like jEdit is a tad happier than it was with the preview release, but it still functions better with 1.3.1 (no corruption on screen elements, like the dockling prefs and such). On the other hand IDEA seems to work lots better with the final... display was a complete mess with the pr.

I am gonna give Eclipse another 10 minutes to start and then I am gonna kill it and force it to use 1.3.1... at least it will work slow as it may be. :-(


On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 01:13 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

I just upgraded to 1.4.1 on OS X and now the build won't work. I tried a fresh checkout, but that didn't help. Jason is this working on your mac.


bash-2.05a$ java -version
java version "1.4.1_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_01-39)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_01-14, mixed mode)

bash-2.05a$ ./build.sh
build.sh: Executing: /Users/dain/work/jboss/x/jboss-head/tools/bin/ant -logger org.apache.tools.ant.NoBannerLogger
Buildfile: build.xml

Trying to override old definition of task property

     [copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/dain/work/jboss/x/jboss-head/build

[echo] groups: default
[echo] modules: common,naming,remoting,jmx,system,aop,cache,j2ee,management,transaction ,persistence,server,blocks,console,security,messaging,connector,varia,c luster,jetty,jboss.net,iiop


 ==  Executing 'most' in module 'common'...

[mkdir] Created dir: /Users/dain/work/jboss/x/jboss-head/common/output/gen/classes
[execmodules] Running <mbeaninterface/>
[execmodules] Generating output for 'org.jboss.util.property.jmx.SystemPropertyClassValue' using template file 'jar:file:/Users/dain/work/jboss/x/jboss-head/thirdparty/xdoclet- xdoclet/lib/xdoclet-jmx-module-jb4.jar!/xdoclet/modules/jmx/resources/ mbean.xdt'.
[execmodules] (XDocletMain.start 51 ) Running XDoclet failed.
[execmodules] (XDocletMain.start 52 ) <<Running XDoclet failed.>>
[execmodules] xdoclet.template.TemplateException: Error in template file: corresponding </XDtClass:classOf> not found, line=8 of template file: jar:file:/Users/dain/work/jboss/x/jboss-head/thirdparty/xdoclet- xdoclet/lib/xdoclet-jmx-module-jb4.jar!/xdoclet/modules/jmx/resources/ mbean.xdt
[execmodules] at xdoclet.template.TemplateEngine.handleBlockTag(TemplateEngine.java:824)
[execmodules] at xdoclet.template.TemplateEngine.handleTag(TemplateEngine.java:425)
[execmodules] at xdoclet.template.TemplateEngine.generate(TemplateEngine.java:324)
[execmodules] at xdoclet.template.TemplateEngine.start(TemplateEngine.java:373)
[execmodules] at xdoclet.TemplateSubTask.startEngine(TemplateSubTask.java:559)
[execmodules] at xdoclet.TemplateSubTask.generateForClass(TemplateSubTask.java:765)
And so on...

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