Hi All,

For a portal-authentication, i've written a  custom LoginModule, that belongs to
a  configured Security-Realm. When login succeed,
i want to have all logged-in users in a context, to be able i.e. query the roles
of a users with the RealmManager. My first idea looks like this:

       securityManager = (JaasSecurityManager) initCtx.lookup(securityDomain);

        if (securityManager.isValid(identity, password)) {

            activeSubject = securityManager.getActiveSubject();

            // Propagate the user info to JBoss for any calls

            this.isLoggedIn = true;
            return isLoggedIn;

        } else
            return false;

Can i handle the login this way, i mean, can i put ALL my users into a
"Security-Context" with  "SecurityAssociation.setPrincipal(identity);", so that
the RealmManager knows all logged-in users ?

Many thanks & kind regards
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