Bugs item #664400, was opened at 2003-01-08 06:19
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.2
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Rod Burgett (rodburgett)
>Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: JNDIView.listXML() produces ill-formed XML

Initial Comment:
The 'String listXML()' method in the 
org.jboss.naming.JNDIView class produces XML file that 
is not well-formed if an error is encountered during 
recursive examination of Context instances.  Error 
handling in the private listXML(Context, StringBuffer) 
method results in a <context> tag with a matching 
</context> tag.

Reproducing the bug symptoms requires an error to be 
encountered during Context.list().  In my vanilla 
installation of JBoss, the java:TimedCacheFactory 
context produced this error, producing the following XML:

  <message>Failed to lookup: timedCacheFActory, 

Subsequent XML output goes on to list other JNDI 
entries, but the lack of </context> tag following the 
</error> tag produces an XML validation error.

The listXML(Context,StringBuffer) method is called 
recursively to handle nested contexts.  The problem is 
cause by grouping in a single try-catch block the code 
to append <context> tag, call self, and append 
</context> tag.  When listXML throws an exception, the 
closing </context> tag is never appended to the buffer.

The fix strategy is to restructure the error handling to 
minimize the amount of code contained in try block.

Here's a diff for a fix:

diff -r1.19 JNDIView.java
>          Collection containers = null;
<             Collection containers = (Collection)
server.getAttribute(app, "Containers");
<             for (Iterator iter = containers.iterator(); 
<             {
<                Container con = (Container)iter.next();
<                /* Set the thread class loader to that of the 
container as
<                   the class loader is used by the java: 
context object
<                   factory to partition the container 
<                */
<                Thread.currentThread
<                String bean = con.getBeanMetaData
<                buffer.append( "<context>" );
<                buffer.append( '\n' );
<                buffer.append
( "<name>java:comp</name>" );
<                buffer.append( '\n' );
<                buffer.append( "<attribute name=\bean\>" 
+ bean + "</attribute>" );
<                buffer.append( '\n' );
<                try
<                {
<                   context = new InitialContext();
<                   context = (Context)context.lookup
<                }
<                catch(NamingException e)
<                {
<                   buffer.append( "<error>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "<message>" + "Failed on 
lookup, " + e.toString( true ) + "</message>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "</error>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   continue;
<                }
<                listXML( context, buffer );
<                buffer.append( "</context>" );
<                buffer.append( '\n' );
<             }
>             containers = (Collection)server.getAttribute
(app, "Containers");
<             log.error("getConainers failed", e);
>             log.error("getContainers failed", e);
>          for (Iterator iter = containers.iterator(); 
>          {
>             Container con = (Container)iter.next();
>             /* Set the thread class loader to that of the 
container as
>                the class loader is used by the java: 
context object
>                factory to partition the container 
>             */
>             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader
>             String bean = con.getBeanMetaData
>             buffer.append( "<context>" );
>             buffer.append( '\n' );
>             buffer.append( "<name>java:comp</name>" );
>             buffer.append( '\n' );
>             buffer.append( "<attribute name=\bean\>" + 
bean + "</attribute>" );
>             buffer.append( '\n' );
>             try
>             {
>                context = new InitialContext();
>                context = (Context)context.lookup
>             }
>             catch(NamingException e)
>             {
>                buffer.append( "<error>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "<message>" + "Failed on 
lookup, " + e.toString( true ) + "</message>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "</error>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                continue;
>             }
>             try
>             {
>                listXML( context, buffer );
>             }
>             catch(Throwable t)
>             {
>                buffer.append( "<error>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "<message>" + "Failed on 
list contents, " + t.toString() + "</message>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "</error>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                continue;
>             }
>             buffer.append( "</context>" );
>             buffer.append( '\n' );
>          }
>                LinkRef link = null;
<                   LinkRef link = (LinkRef) ctx.lookupLink
<                   buffer.append( "<link-ref>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "<name>" + pair.getName
() + "</name>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "<link>" + 
link.getLinkName() + "</link>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "<attribute 
name=\class\>" + pair.getClassName() 
+ "</attribute>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   buffer.append( "</link-ref>" );
<                   buffer.append( '\n' );
>                   link = (LinkRef) ctx.lookupLink(name);
>                buffer.append( "<link-ref>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "<name>" + pair.getName() 
+ "</name>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "<link>" + link.getLinkName
() + "</link>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "<attribute name=\class\>" 
+ pair.getClassName() + "</attribute>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                buffer.append( "</link-ref>" );
>                buffer.append( '\n' );
>                   Object value = null;
<                      Object value = ctx.lookup(name);
<                      if( value instanceof Context ) {
<                         Context subctx = (Context) value;
<                         buffer.append( "<context>" );
<                         buffer.append( '\n' );
<                         buffer.append( "<name>" + 
pair.getName() + "</name>" );
<                         buffer.append( '\n' );
<                         buffer.append( "<attribute 
name=\class\>" + pair.getClassName() 
+ "</attribute>" );
<                         buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      value = ctx.lookup(name);
>                   }
>                   catch(Throwable t) {
>                      buffer.append( "<error>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      buffer.append( "<message>" + "Failed 
to lookup: "+name+", errmsg="+t.getMessage() 
+ "</message>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      buffer.append( "</error>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                   }
>                   if( value instanceof Context ) {
>                      Context subctx = (Context) value;
>                      buffer.append( "<context>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      buffer.append( "<name>" + 
pair.getName() + "</name>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      buffer.append( "<attribute 
name=\class\>" + pair.getClassName() 
+ "</attribute>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      try {
<                         buffer.append( "</context>" );
<                         buffer.append( '\n' );
<                      else {
<                         buffer.append( "<non-context>" );
<                         buffer.append( '\n' );
<                         buffer.append( "<name>" + 
pair.getName() + "</name>" );
>                      catch(Throwable t) {
>                         buffer.append( "<error>" );
<                         buffer.append( "<attribute 
name=\value\>" + value + "</attribute>" );
>                         buffer.append( "<message>" 
+ "Failed to list contents of: "+name+", 
errmsg="+t.getMessage() + "</message>" );
<                         buffer.append( "</non-context>" );
>                         buffer.append( "</error>" );
>                      buffer.append( "</context>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
<                   catch(Throwable t) {
<                      buffer.append( "<error>" );
>                   else {
>                      buffer.append( "<non-context>" );
<                      buffer.append( "<message>" + "Failed 
to lookup: "+name+", errmsg="+t.getMessage() 
+ "</message>" );
>                      buffer.append( "<name>" + 
pair.getName() + "</name>" );
<                      buffer.append( "</error>" );
>                      buffer.append( "<attribute 
name=\value\>" + value + "</attribute>" );
>                      buffer.append( '\n' );
>                      buffer.append( "</non-context>" );


>Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2003-03-18 12:42

Logged In: YES 

The second patch has been applied


Comment By: Rod Burgett (rodburgett)
Date: 2003-03-18 11:20

Logged In: YES 

After posting this report, I discovered another exception path 
through which closing tags are dropped in event of error.  The 
attached diff output represents an improved refactoring of the 
listXML() processing in JBoss v3.2.?.


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