Theoretically, but a problem with not using the MainDeployer.shutdown is that the deployment shutdown order will change since the MainDeployer.removeDeployer method is not iterating over the deploymentList in reverse order as is the case for MainDeployer.shutdown. If this is corrected then the shutdown method and the ServerImpl*.shutdownDeployments method seem uneccessary and the MainDeployer.shutdown could call the ServiceController.shutdown.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

Rod Burgett wrote:

I see what you are saying about breaking the mirror, the removal of
deployers should be controlled by the deployer services.

Code already exists in ServerImpl.ShutdownHook.shutdown() to invoke
ServiceController.shutdown(), which walks backwards through it's service
list to stop, destroy and remove each.  From what you say, this could handle
undeploying everything.  Currently, nothing actually gets undeployed at that
point because MainDeployer.shutdown() gets called, and undeploys everything,
before ServiceController.shutdown() is called.

So, if service shutdown effectively handles undeployment, and preserves the
mirror, is there really a need for MainDeployer to undeploy anything at
shutdown?  Can MainDeployer do all its housekeeping in destroyService()?
Then what's left for shutdown() do?  Except maybe ask the service controller
to stop the deployer services?

Rod Burgett Senior Software Engineer

webMethods, Inc. 3930 Pender Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 USA Ph: 703.460.5819 (tty only)

"It's all just 0s & 1s - the trick is getting them lined up in the proper order"

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