Its a limitation of the current deployment layer when accessing remote

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

Jim Brownfield wrote:
I also posted this to the forum.  Before I open a bug, I thought I'd check
to see if there's a reason exploded jars can't be loaded with PROPFIND
during a netboot.  Thanks!

I'm trying to use netboot, and I was under the impression that with v3.2+,
you didn't have to compact all the .war, .ear, and .jar files because of the
use of the PROPFIND WebDav feature.

From what I can tell, though, the PROPFIND is only used for directories
WITHOUT a "." in their name.

From the DavURLLister class in method listMembers(URL,URLFilter,boolean):

if (scanNonDottedSubDirs && getFilePartFromUrl (httpURL.toURL ()).indexOf
(".") == -1)
URL subUrl = new URL (url) ;
urls.addAll (listMembers (subUrl, filter, scanNonDottedSubDirs));
urls.add (new URL (url));

Is their a reason the "exploded" war, ear, and jar directories can't be
copied in this manner as well? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

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