Bugs item #734736, was opened at 2003-05-08 16:25
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by adrianprice
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Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.2
Status: Open
Resolution: Accepted
Priority: 5
Submitted By: G French (misterfrench)
Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: EAR classloading error

Initial Comment:
OS: Windows 2000 Professional
JDK: Sun 1.3.1
JBoss version: 3.2.1 with Tomcat 4.1.24

ClassCast exceptions experienced when deploying the 
attached testcase EAR.

Investigations have found that if I include xercesImpl.jar, 
xml-apis.jar and log4j.jar in the manifest class-path of 
the EJB jar in the EAR, I get the exceptions in the 
server log attached when JBoss attempts to deploy the 
WAR inside the EAR. Removing the entries makes the 
exceptions disappear.


Comment By: Adrian Price (adrianprice)
Date: 2003-10-14 13:07

Logged In: YES 

I have found the exact same problem myself, but didn't 
realise the exceptions disappear if you remove the Class-Path 
manifest attributes.  I solved the problem by removing 
xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar from the .ear entirely.  
According to the J2EE 1.3 spec., app. servers are required to 
provide a full implementation of JAXP 1.1, so it shouldn't be a 
problem unless there's some pressing reason why you 
absolutely have to use Xerces.  (Even if the app. server does 
not natively support Xerces, it should be possible to configure 
its JAXP parser registry to do so.)


Comment By: G French (misterfrench)
Date: 2003-05-09 11:38

Logged In: YES 

Attached is the output of ListJar.

Here are some more remarks:

1. I need to run the EARs with the scoped classloader as we 
will have multiple EARs with potentially different versions of 
the same classes running in the same JBoss.

2. I don't want to have a separate web container as part of the 
EAR - the EAR should run anywhere. Equally I should not 
have to replace JBoss's libraries with my own versions. The 
EAR should be a self-contained application.

3. As for the log4j CCE, I still get this when I use the 
DOMConfigurator to load my own log4j.xml elsewhere on the 
filesystem before I initialise the logger in TestImpl - as I would 
assume that with the EAR scoped classloader I would be 
using the unconfigured log4j shipped in the EAR

        private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger
again I suspect that this CCE is related to the jaxp CCE.

4. All this appeared to work fine in 3.0.7.


Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2003-05-09 01:06

Logged In: YES 

So this ear wants to load classes from its deployment before
the server classpath. The web container has static
references to the jaxp classes that were bound when the
jbossweb.sar was deployed. By redeploying the jaxp classes
in the scoped ear you are replacing classes that are used at
the server component level. To do this you would have to
deploy the web container in addition to your ear to ensure a
consistent class loader space. If I remove the ear level
soping then this example starts fine and the ejb is uable.
In this case the deployment level classes are ignored.

16:57:07,635 INFO  [jbossweb] Started
16:57:07,855 INFO  [jbossweb] TestServlet: webapp:
TestServlet loading
16:57:07,865 INFO  [jbossweb] TestServlet:
JNDI tree:

+---UserTransaction [Value]
+---env [Context]
    +---security [Context]
        +---realmMapping [Value]
        +---subject [Value]
        +---securityMgr [Value]
        +---security-domain [Value]
    +---test-value [Value]
    +---deployment-id [Value]

16:57:07,915 INFO  [jbossweb] TestServlet: Val from lookup:
16:57:07,935 INFO  [jbossweb] Registered
16:57:07,945 INFO  [jbossweb] Registered
16:57:07,955 INFO  [jbossweb] Registered
16:57:07,965 INFO  [jbossweb] Registered
16:57:07,995 INFO  [jbossweb] Registered
16:57:07,995 INFO  [jbossweb] successfully deployed
to /test.war
16:57:08,046 INFO  [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application:
16:57:08,046 INFO  [MainDeployer] Deployed package:
16:57:08,086 INFO  [URLDeploymentScanner] Started
16:57:08,156 INFO  [MainDeployer] Deployed package:
16:57:08,166 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@] Started in 11s:437ms
17:02:47,113 INFO  [TestImpl] TestBean loading.....
17:02:47,113 INFO  [TestImpl] *** TestImpl() ***
17:02:47,123 INFO  [TestImpl] ejbCreate()
17:02:47,133 INFO  [STDOUT] *** DO SOMETHIG ***

So if you have to deploy an ear that uses its own copies of
the xml parser, log4j, and another other libraries that
JBoss itself uses, you have to deploy those components as
part of your application. The CCE coming from the web
container is due to the war deployer being tthe point at
which the parsing of the war descriptors occurs. If this was
moved to a sperate class that was created in the thread
context of the war this probably would work so that is
something I'll look into.

The cause of the CCE coming from the log4j layer is due to
the log4j layer going out and finding a log4j.xml visable
through the class loaders. This is finding the server
conf/log4j.xml config and trying to recreate the log4j setup
in the scoped ear.  The DailyRollingFileAppender class does
not exist in the scoped ear so it is loaded from the ear
parent class loader repository. This class has already been
linked against the org.apache.log4j.Appender class that
exists at this level and conflicts with the Appender
reloaded in the scoped ear level. To address this you need a
log4j.xml in the ear scope.

Right now the xml parser issue probably requires that you
replace the JBoss server version with the one you need
unless you can configure a seperate web container as part of
your ear deployment.


Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2003-05-08 17:11

Logged In: YES 

Take the attached ListLjar.java source and run the ListJar
class on the full test.ear and add that as an attachment so
I can be sure of the structure. This will show any manifest


Comment By: G French (misterfrench)
Date: 2003-05-08 16:53

Logged In: YES 

OK, take 3, could not upload EAR in its entirety (2Mb) so
I''ve attached a skeleton EAR which will need the following
files added to it:

>From xerces 2.3.0

>From log4j  1.2.8

Add these file to
1. test.ear top level dir
2. test.war (inside EAR) WEB-INF/lib 


Comment By: G French (misterfrench)
Date: 2003-05-08 16:31

Logged In: YES 

Sorry, forgot to attach test EAR.

This EAR should deploy with exceptions similar to those in 
attached server log. Remove the manifest class-path inside 
the EJB jar (test.jar) and the EAR will deploy OK.


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