On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 07:20, Rupp, Heiko wrote:
> Hi,
> I am in favour not to overload default. There are already (too) many services (e.g. 
> snmp)
> that are not used, take memory, extend the startup phase and (sometimes) open more
> ports that need to be secured.

Before I deploy JBoss in production, I have to remove about six or seven
files or deployments I don't really need.  Every "point" release
requires me to change my installer.

Perhaps there could be an "build.xml" in the jboss binary or shell
script that you call which installs the components you want.  Example

$ tar xzf jboss-3xx.tar.gz
$ cd jboss*
$ ant jms jmx web jmx-console farm snmp jms-example

or (for those of us new to JBoss)

$ ant

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