Hi all,

there seems to be some confusion about how webservices are bound to JNDI. Here is my 
interpretation of the JSR109 spec. Maybe you whant to throw your 2 cents in.

server programming model 
No mention of JNDI. The server makes the webservice available at a URL. A potential 
client connects to the webservice through that URL. The service is handled by the 
server invoking a stateless session bean, or web component. The client does not need 
to know which. When the client obtains the WSDL from the URL, the port address should 
reflect the actual location of the webservice on the server. The deployed WSDL may 
contain a dummy port address, which the server will have to tweak when feeding back 
the WSDL to a client. A deployment that contains a webservices.xml does not cause a 
webservice binding in JNDI. 

client programming model 
The deployer provides a WSDL with a valid port address in the WSDL. The client 
container provides the runtime environment (javax.xml.rpc.Service) in JNDI to access 
that webservice, ehich may point to any webservice anywhere. The client accesses that 
webservice like a local object through the SEI. The client container may provide an 
imlementation of the SEI as static stub, dynamic proxy, or DII. 
A deployment that contains a webservicesclient.xml causes a global webservice binding 
in JNDI. A client that has the webservice mapped to his java:comp/env


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