The calls will not be serialized as different instances of the stateless session bean 
will be used to
handle a() and b().
Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Raghuram
Sent: Mon 12/22/2003 6:04 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] jboss container calls query

I had posted this query on the jboss forum but did not get a response so I
thought I'll try here.
Am not sure if my question is clear.
I wanted to know if jboss serializes all calls to an ejb container. Consider
an EJB x with methods a() and b() and two clients c1 and c2.
x could be a deployed stateless session bean or an entity bean.

c1 calls x.a() and c2 calls x.b() at the same time.
will the two calls be serialized ?
As i understand, all the ejb calls are invoked through jmx and every
container is an MBean. However, if there is only one MBean for every
deployed EJB does it not imply that ALL calls to any instance of that EJB
will be serialized ?
If my understanding is wrong, please do correct me. However, if it is
serialized as i understand, i wanted to know if that is a spec requirement.


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