The window for waiting for updates before doing a compile seems a bit small. I have built
jboss-head from a clean checkout on seperate machines so it appears this failure is due to
building after incomplete checkins.
Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Inc.

Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 9:09 AM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed
Importance: High

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Ant Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: 1
Date of build: 05/05/2004 11:49:58
Time to build: 15 minutes 18 seconds
Last changed: 05/05/2004 11:37:56
Last log entry: added channel debugger: use {start,stop}ChannelDebugger()

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last build:  (13)
1.35 modified belaban cluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/ added channel debugger: use {start,stop}ChannelDebugger()
1.18 modified belaban cluster/src/main/org/jboss/ha/framework/server/ added channel debugger: use {start,stop}ChannelDebugger()
1.9 modified starksm jmx/src/main/test/compliance/modelmbean/ Add a test of adding a notification listener to a RequiredModelMBean that hadits resource set after registration with the MBeanServer
1.24 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/ Ignore the case of the resource type string
1.26 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/ - Delay the initiation of the method dispatchers until the resource isavailable as this may be set after registration. This means that thissetup needs to also occur in setManagedResource.- Fix the exceptions thrown from the sendNotification methods.- Fix the exceptions thrown from the sendAttributeChangeNotification methods.- Fix the exceptions thrown from the addAttributeChangeNotificationListenerand removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener methods- Factor out the initialization that is based on the resource from theregistration as the resource may not exist until after registration.
1.17 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/ Add a CLASS descriptor field constant
1.66 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/ Don't allow RuntimeExceptions out of the invoke method
1.56 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/registry/ Use the RequiredModelMBeanInvoker for RequiredModelMBeans
1.22 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/ - Fix the exception unwrapping- Delay the initiation of the method dispatchers until the resource isavailable as this may be set after registration- Look to the ModelMBean for operations as the MBeanInfo may containModelMBean ops.
1.7 modified starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/ Add a Method lookupOperation(MBeanOperationInfo info, Object mbean)method used to see if a ModelMBean has the operation in question.
1.1 added starksm jmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/ An invoker that handles the 'ops' that are part of the RequiredModelMBeanthat must be handled at that level rather than its delegate.
1.12 modified starksm jmx/src/main/javax/management/modelmbean/ Make sure the notification info contains the required notifications:"name=GENERIC,descriptorType=notification,log=T,severity=5,displayName=jmx.modelmbean.generic""name=ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE,descriptorType=notification,log=T,severity=5,displayName=jmx.attribute.change"
1.21 modified starksm jmx/src/main/javax/management/modelmbean/ - Fix the xml representation to match the javadoc empty element rep- Fix the population of the descriptor from an xml string- Add validation of the class field

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