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Ant Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122
Date of build: 06/18/2004 19:41:16
Time to build: 12 minutes 59 seconds
Last changed: 06/18/2004 19:21:16
Last log entry: fix operation parameter mapping from ws4ee-deployment.xml

 Unit Tests: (0)
No Tests Run
This project doesn't have any tests

 Modifications since last build:  (5)
1.15modifiedtdieslerwebservice/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/deployment/ServiceDescription.javafix operation parameter mapping from ws4ee-deployment.xml
1.6modifiedstarksmwebservice/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/ServiceDeployerEJB.javaUndo the last checkin mistake
1.10modifiedstarksmiiop/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/EjbObjectCorbaServant.javaAdd the code to extract the SASCurrent and populate the invocation with theprincipal and credential
1.10modifiedstarksmiiop/src/main/org/jboss/proxy/ejb/EjbHomeCorbaServant.javaAdd the code to extract the SASCurrent and populate the invocation with theprincipal and credential
1.5modifiedstarksmwebservice/src/main/org/jboss/webservice/ServiceDeployerEJB.javaAdd the code to extract the SASCurrent and populate the invocation with theprincipal and credential

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