I have been trying to put together my own web service based on the Sample and 
documentation in the Wiki.

I can get a simple bean / web service deployed that takes a String as a paramter and 
returns a String.  Executing a client for the simple bean is also fine.

I run into problems when I try and implement a complex bean that takes a complex type 
as a parameter and returns a complex type.

I have deployed my web service within an ear that contains the jar file for the WS and 
a jar file for the client.

When I try and run my client code I try and lookup the service ref and cast it to 
'javax.xml.Service', I keep getting ClassCastExceptions thrown.

It turns out that the object I have retrieved from JNDI is a 'javax.naming.Reference' 

Looking at the jmx-console the item bound is a 
'org.jboss.webservice.client.ServiceReferenceable' object: - 

  +- ws4ee-client (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
  |   |   +- service (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)
  |   |   |   +- CustomerOrderService (class: 

I went back to the sample code downloaded from the Wiki to deploy that and see if I 
missed anything.

The sample code (complexbean) compiles and deploys the same as my code, then running 
the JUnit test case I get the same behaviour as I get with my service?

Is there a anything missing from the sample that needs changing to get the correct 
object returned?

This is using the latest JBoss (jboss-head) code from CVS last night with Sun JDK 
1.4.2_02 on Windows XP.

I also looked at the JBoss testsuite and it doesn't look as if this scenario is tested 
yet, one thing I did notice is that the eclipse .classpath file for the testsuite 
currently excludes the 'org.jboss.test.webservices' package, I think this exclusion 
needs removing now that the tests are run as part of the build.

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