These issues are about Oracle messaging. 
It has nothing todo with JBossMQ.
Integration issues belong in the JBossServer category.

I changed one of your issues to a bug report rather than a patch,
but I'm not sure if it is bug or not (there is not enough information).

Bug reports/patches should be filed after testing the latest release in
the branch in this case 3.2.7 not 3.2.3

If you are asking for help, your question belongs in the user forums.

If you want discuss any fix, use the bug/patch report you created.

My mailbox is not the correct venue to discuss your problems.

On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 14:24, Rob van der Boom wrote:
> 1041466:
> I'have submitted this because as far i can see it's jboss code. This
> because if i use Hypersonic in stead of oracle and simulating the longer
> time a connection needs to build up (by a delay also) the problem seems
> the same.
> The question is if it's a problem when requesting for a session from the
> jboss pool (when sessions are already created according to the jboss
> debug logging) but return a session=null. OR if it's a problem in oracle
> part because it has to do some checks if the sessions fysically is there
> ?
> 1042119:
> Again i see the Jboss Std session class creating a topic connection when
> configuration a MDB to a Queue. So the problem is in the Jboss class or 
> a oracle implementation class of JMS. But if i'm not mistaken you can
> 'see'
> the problem is in oracle api's ?
> Greetings.
> Rob.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Brock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: dinsdag 16 november 2004 14:47
> To: Rob v.d. Boom
> Subject: Re: Patches item 1041466 and 1042119
> Why would they be assigned?
> They are patches to another patch  that is not in the jboss
> codebase. The code depends upon Oracle specific apis.
> What is the license for those Oracle apis? LGPL compatible?
> On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 09:07, Rob v.d. Boom wrote:
> > Message body follows:
> > 
> > Hello Dear Adrian Brock,
> > 
> > could you please check if i correctly filled out my bug report, 
> > since i don't see my items 1041466 and 1042119 assigned.
> > 
> > Greetings,
> > Rob v.d. Boom
> > 
> > 
> > --
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Adrian Brock
Director of Support
Back Office
JBoss Inc.

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