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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.254
Date of build: 12/06/2004 00:13:04
Time to build: 16 minutes 50 seconds
Last changed: 12/06/2004 00:05:28
Last log entry: Fix schema validity of complex types in literal messages. An element withina complex type is not exposed in the outer namespace unless it is definedas a ref to an element which is. Under that scenario, according to the jaxrpcxsd, the xml-element-name is supposed to refer to the referenced element.

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (1) schema validity of complex types in literal messages. An element withina complex type is not exposed in the outer namespace unless it is definedas a ref to an element which is. Under that scenario, according to the jaxrpcxsd, the xml-element-name is supposed to refer to the referenced element.

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