Hi All,

I posted this to the Sun JSP forum but got no replies.  My web-application runs 
on JBoss-3.2.0/Jetty - I must first get comfortable with the latest 
JBoss/Tomcat offering before I run something in it.  

As this is a sticky problem there were no replies on the Sun JSP forum.  
Anybody on this forum has the faintest idea what is going on?

This is a tricky one. There are vehicle objects in the database. Some are cars, 
some 4wd's, some trucks, some motorcycles etc. The first objective is to get 
all the makes of a certain category - cars, 4wd's etc.
This is done with the following code in a cmp ejb:

public String ejbHomeListMakes(String category){
  Collection collection = this.ejbSelectMakes(category);
  //To get them in alpahbetical order
  List s = new LinkedList(collection);
  Iterator iter = s.iterator();
    StringBuffer make = new StringBuffer(256);
      make = make.append("\"" +(String)iter.next() + "\",");
    // Remove the trailing comma
   make = make.deleteCharAt((make.length() - 1));
   return make.toString();
    return new String("");

This string (in the format "Audi","BMW","Chevrolet", etc) is returned to a JSP 
by the following code:
Note that it is a mixture of JavaScript and Java

function loadMakesAndModels(toLoad){
    /* First to create all the JavaScript array objects
     * The car makes and models */
    <% String cmakes = makesAndModelsBean.getMakes("car");
    if(cmakes.length() > 2){%>
      var carMakes = new Array("Choose","Any",<%= cmakes %>);

Now, in every browser on my Linux side this works perfectly. Also, for MSIE 6.x 
on my Windows 98 SE side it works perfectly. The returned code in the page 
returned from the server looks like this:

var carMakes = new 

This also works in Windows 2000 with MSIE 6.x Unfortunately it does not work 
with either MSIE 6.x or FireFox in Windows XP (I do not know what patches or 
updates have been applied) or with MSIE 6.x in Windows 98 - I suspect not 
Second Edition, on another machine. This other machine is pretty neglected most 
likely in need of disk defragmentation and clean-up. But that should not make 
any difference to what is returned to the browser from the server.

Some cars makes are always consistently missing, namely the Audi, BMW, Daewoo, 
Subaru and a few others. I have looked at the code, these makes are indeed 
missing - the same ones every time.

Now, as we all know the browser never sees a Java Server Page. Only pure HTML 
(with JavaScript) is returned to it from the server. 

So how is it possible that different pages are returned to browsers on 
different operating systems? Truly, this beats me.

You can go and have a look at this site at here The code is in the top frame. 
It is loaded only once when this page is first requested. Search only for NSW 
(state) and Newcastle and Hunter (regions).

Is it the server? How does the server (JBoss-3.2.0/Jetty) know to send crooked 
code to certain Windows machines? I don't check for the OS in my code. Maybe it 
doesn't like Windows or has somthing personal against Bill Gates. 

What the devil is going on here and how do I fix it? I don't think the answer 
is simple.

Thanks very much for scratching your heads on this one.


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