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Ant Error Message: /home/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:63: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:37: Exit code: 1 See compile.log in Build Artifacts for details. JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_05/
Date of build: 02/07/2005 22:40:24
Time to build: 23 minutes 24 seconds
Last changed: 02/07/2005 21:59:37
Last log entry: Use a PrivilegedExceptionAction for accessing the "" JACC PolicyContext.getContext() value.

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (55)
1.3modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/JaccAuthorizationInterceptor.javaUse a PrivilegedExceptionAction for accessing the "" JACC PolicyContext.getContext() value.
1.8modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/plugins/SecurityActions.javaUse a PrivilegedExceptionAction for accessing the "" JACC PolicyContext.getContext() value.
1.7modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/jacc/DelegatingPolicy.javaWhen run with a security manager the act of class loading can trigger security checks which in turn causes this classes implies method to be called as soon as the this class is installed as the Policy implementation. The implies method cannot cause class loading to occur before there is the delegation to the non-JACC Policy provider or else an infinite recursion scenario arises where entrance into implies triggers class loading which recurses into implies. Resolves [JBAS-1363] JACC DelegatingPolicy will not work with a SecurityManager installed.
1.1addedbwang00cache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/transaction/BatchModeTransactionManager.javaRefactored DummyTransactionManager and create a BatchModeTM that does not bind into jndi directly
1.1addedbwang00cache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/transaction/DummyBaseTransactionManager.javaRefactored DummyTransactionManager and create a BatchModeTM that does not bind into jndi directly
1.22modifiedbwang00cache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/transaction/DummyTransaction.javaRefactored DummyTransactionManager and create a BatchModeTM that does not bind into jndi directly
1.17modifiedbwang00cache/src/main/org/jboss/cache/transaction/DummyTransactionManager.javaRefactored DummyTransactionManager and create a BatchModeTM that does not bind into jndi directly
1.4deletedstarksmtestsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-ssl/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/server.xmlUpdate for the tomcat55 sar
1.3deletedstarksmtestsuite/src/resources/test-configs/tomcat-ssl/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xmlUpdate for the tomcat55 sar
1.2deletedstarksmtestsuite/src/resources/test-configs/jacc/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/server.xmlUpdate for the tomcat55 sar
1.2deletedstarksmtestsuite/src/resources/test-configs/jacc/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xmlUpdate for the tomcat55 sar
1.3deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testAttributeDependency.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.3deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testAttributeDependencyDependentState.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.2deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testConfigure.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.3deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testConstructorDependency.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.2deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testDemandSupply.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.3deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testDemandSupplyWhenRequired.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.2deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testFactoryDependency.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.2deletedejortkernel/src/resources/test/org/jboss/test/kernel/xml/test/testStaticFactoryDependency.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.7modifiedejortkernel/.classpathAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.4modifiedejortkernel/jbossbuild.xmlAdd the xml deployer's test xml files to the test classpathusing the new <resource/> definition.
1.7modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/plugins/dependency/basic/BasicKernelController.javaDocument the dependency visitor interim solution, including the TODOs
1.6modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/plugins/dependency/basic/BasicKernelController.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.2modifiedejortkernel/src/tests/org/jboss/test/kernel/config/support/SimpleBeanFactory.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.2modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/spi/FeatureMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.1addedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/spi/MetaDataVisitor.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.1addedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/spi/MetaDataVisitorNode.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.3modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/spi/ValueMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.2modifiedejortkernel/src/tests/org/jboss/test/kernel/config/test/FactoryTestCase.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.3modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractAttributeMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.5modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractBeanMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.4modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractFeatureMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.3modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractParameterMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.3modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractValueMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.3modifiedejortkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractConstructorMetaData.javaChanged the preprocess of MetaData into a type of visitor pattern.This needs revisiting (sic!) to be a more traditional visitor patternrather than using instanceof.And also the need to find a cleaner way to define whichdependencies are required at which kernel state.Rather than the current hardwiring in BasicKernelControllerthat every dependency is INSTANTIATE except those in theAttributeMetaData context which are CONFIGURE.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/EnumValue.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/FieldInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.1addedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/InheritableAnnotationHolder.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/InterfaceInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/MethodInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/PrimitiveValue.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.3modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/Value.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/AnnotatedInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.4modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/AnnotationAttribute.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.1addedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/AnnotationHolder.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/AnnotationInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.3modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/AnnotationValue.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/ArrayInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/ArrayValue.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/ClassInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/ClassValue.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/ConstructorInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/EnumConstantInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.2modifiedpatriot1burkecontainer/src/main/org/jboss/reflect/EnumInfo.javamake it easier to override remote jndi bindingwrote a tutorial for the docs on this.
1.3modifiedtelrodserver/src/main/org/jboss/invocation/unified/interfaces/UnifiedInvokerProxy.javaJBREM-61 Will now catch java.rmi.RemoteException and rethrow wrapped inside ServerException.

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