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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.848
Date of build: 03/08/2005 12:12:57
Time to build: 18 minutes 40 seconds
Last changed: 03/08/2005 11:54:07
Last log entry: JBBUILD-19 JBBUILD-21 Added getopt to run.jar. Added log4j classes to log4j-boot.jar

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (2)
1.2modifiedrecampbellsystem/jbossbuild.xmlJBBUILD-19 JBBUILD-21 Added getopt to run.jar. Added log4j classes to log4j-boot.jar
1.9modifiedrecampbelltools/lib/jbossbuild.jarJBBUILD-19 - allow contents from other jars (or any archive) to be included in artifacts

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