I read thru some posts. This is the command I'm using to get a copy of jboss 

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/jboss co jboss-portal-2.0

JBOSS_home is set. The jar files (jgroup, cache, rmoting) are copied into 
default/lib. The databse to be built for is postgres, and I have made the 
changes in local.properties and etc/postgresql.properties.

Now I try to build:

  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] build]$ sh build.sh
  | build.sh: *WARNING* Ignoring environment value for $ANT_HOME
  | build.sh: Executing: 
/home/karan/latest/jbossportal3/jboss-portal-2.0/tools/bin/ant -logger 
  | Buildfile: build.xml
  | _buildmagic:init:
  | Trying to override old definition of task property
  | _buildmagic:init:module-local-properties:
  |      [copy] Copying 1 file to 
 taskdef class org.jboss.nukes.common.ant.Explode cannot be found
  | Total time: 4 seconds
I went thru build.log and its the same error expanded. So I change line 56 (I 
think) in tools.ent from "explode.war" to "explode.jar". 

Build again:
  | .
  | .
  | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
  |         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
  | .
  | .
  | .

Lookign at the verbose output, I see:

  | _buildmagic:init:show-environment:
  |      [echo]
  |      [echo] project.root:    
  |      [echo] module.root:     
  |      [echo] user.home:       /home/karan
  |      [echo] build.compiler:  ${build.compiler}
  |      [echo] java.home:       /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.2_06/jre
  |      [echo] java.class.path: 
  |      [echo] java.version:    1.4.2_06
  |      [echo] java.vendor:     Sun Microsystems Inc.
  |      [echo] java.vm.version: 1.4.2_06-b03
  |      [echo] java.vm.name:    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
  |      [echo] java.vm.info:    mixed mode
  |      [echo] os.name:         Linux
  |      [echo] os.arch:         i386
  |      [echo] os.version:      2.6.10-1.8_FC2

Above, java.class.path is definde to be /usr/share/ant....
Where is this beign set? I could not find this in any build file. I am not sure 
why I am unable to build the portal, but all java libs are in /usr/share/java 
on my system and not on /usr/share/ant.

Any help on solving this riddle is greatly appreciated.


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