Sorry I didn't have time to follow up on this yesterday, but here is a little 
background and what is happening:

I am using a non default configuration 'je-default' in a shared installation of 

I am installing from jboss-portal-2.0-beta1-src.

I have unzipped to the data directory in my configuration.

I have copied jboss-cache.jar, jgroups-all.jar, and jboss-remoting.jar to the 
lib directory of my configuration.

I am using Oracle as the database.  I changed the NOW() function to sysdate and 
the MD5() functions to hardcoded strings representing the output of md5sum.  
Here is the SQL script I ran:

insert into jbp_user_pref_set (jbp_id, jbp_parent_id, name) values 
insert into jbp_user_pref_set (jbp_id, jbp_parent_id, name) values 
insert into jbp_users (jbp_uid, jbp_root_pref_set_id, jbp_uname, jbp_password, 
jbp_realemail, jbp_regdate, jbp_viewrealemail, jbp_enabled) values ('1', 1, 
'admin', '456b7016a916a4b178dd72b947c152b7', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', sysdate, '1', 
insert into jbp_users (jbp_uid, jbp_root_pref_set_id, jbp_uname, jbp_password, 
jbp_realemail, jbp_regdate, jbp_viewrealemail, jbp_enabled) values ('2', 2, 
'user', 'a81be4e9b20632860d20a64c054c4150', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', sysdate, '1', 
insert into jbp_roles (jbp_rid, jbp_name, jbp_displayname) values ('1', 
'Admins', 'Administrators');
insert into jbp_roles (jbp_rid, jbp_name, jbp_displayname) values ('2', 
'Users', 'Users');
insert into jbp_role_membership (jbp_uid, jbp_rid) values ('1', '1');
insert into jbp_role_membership (jbp_uid, jbp_rid) values ('2', '2');

Note that the first two lines are completely new, but were necessary to avoid 
foreign key constraint violations.

Now, when I attempt to login with admin/admin, the CMS Portlet displays:

404 - Page Not Found
Oops! We can't find the resource you're looking for.

There are no stacktraces in the log.  Here is the section of the log dealing 
with the password lookup:

2005-04-13 10:41:41,399 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] find: SELECT 
u.password FROM UserImpl AS u WHERE u.userName=:username
2005-04-13 10:41:41,399 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.engine.QueryParameters] named 
parameters: {username=admin}
2005-04-13 10:41:41,399 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator] compiling 
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] flushing 
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Flushing 
entities and processing referenced collections
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Processing 
unreferenced collections
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Scheduling 
collection removes/(re)creates/updates
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Flushed: 0 
insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 0 objects
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Flushed: 0 
(re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl] Dont need to 
execute flush
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator] HQL: 
SELECT u.password FROM org.jboss.portal.core.impl.user.UserImpl AS u WHERE 
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.hql.QueryTranslator] SQL: 
select userimpl0_.jbp_password as x0_0_ from jbp_users userimpl0_ where 
(userimpl0_.jbp_uname=? )
2005-04-13 10:41:41,401 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl] about to 
open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2005-04-13 10:41:41,402 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.SQL] select 
userimpl0_.jbp_password as x0_0_ from jbp_users userimpl0_ where 
(userimpl0_.jbp_uname=? )
2005-04-13 10:41:41,402 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl] preparing 
2005-04-13 10:41:41,403 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType] binding 
'admin' to parameter: 1
2005-04-13 10:41:41,407 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader] processing 
result set
2005-04-13 10:41:41,407 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader] result row: 
2005-04-13 10:41:41,407 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.type.StringType] returning 
'456b7016a916a4b178dd72b947c152b7' as column: x0_0_
2005-04-13 10:41:41,408 DEBUG [net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader] done processing 
result set (1 rows)

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