"timfox" wrote : 
  | Looking at the messaging core code I couldn't see any way of telling a 
Receiver to deliver a bunch of messages as an atomic unit. My knowledge of the 
messaging core is approaching zero so I could be missing a trick here.

The receive is not a part of the transaction state.  You receive messages
before you do commit/rollback.
It is the message acknowledgements that need to be prepared/committed.

ack prepare -> logically remove messages
ack commit -> physically remove messages
ack rollback -> reinstate logically remove messages

Of course the 1PC optimization bypasses the prepare.

anonymous wrote : 
  | So my assumption is that it's up to the JMS facade to hold onto messages 
until commit for a transacted session. I guess the same applies for 

Correct, though the unacknowledged messages need be "rolled back"
in the event of session.close without a commit/rollback or a client crash.
This should be handled gracefully by the client, but the server needs
to be able to step in to recover the unreliable client leaving things in a mess.

It also needs to hold uncommitted sent messages.

anonymous wrote : 
  | On this assumption (which may well be wrong) I'm trying to work out where 
we hold the set of messages for the transaction, so we can send them on the 

In a map inside the XAResource. txid -> transaction state (sends/acks)
txid could be the XID for JTA, otherwise it will be an internal transaction id

anonymous wrote : 
  | Advantage of 2) seems to be minimising network/inter JVM calls in the case 
the client and the server peer aren't in the same JVM.

The interceptor could be located on either the server or the client, depending
upon how thick/thin you want the clients.

anonymous wrote : 
  | Also, how do we deal with running out of memory if a lot of messages are 
sent in a transacted session?

This is an advanced feature that requires monitoring memory and moving
messages out of memory when required (replaced with a handle to the
cache store location).

See the JBossMQ implementation if you want details. This is one of the
things that is actually well designed in that implementation.

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