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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.330
Date of build: 04/18/2005 18:53:41
Time to build: 44 minutes 19 seconds
Last changed: 04/18/2005 12:27:49
Last log entry: Remove the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples.

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (10) the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the references to the oil and rmi invokers as these have been obsoleted and moved to the jms examples. the oil and rmi invoker services from the deploy to examples dirs as these are obsolete and unmaintained. the oil and rmi invoker services from the deploy to examples dirs as these are obsolete and unmaintained. the oil and rmi invoker services from the deploy to examples dirs as these are obsolete and unmaintained. the oil and rmi invoker services from the deploy to examples dirs as these are obsolete and unmaintained.

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