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Ant Error Message: /home/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:63: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:37: Exit code: 1 See compile.log in Build Artifacts for details. JAVA_HOME=/opt/j2sdk1.4.2_05/
Date of build: 04/24/2005 18:30:51
Time to build: 12 minutes 2 seconds
Last changed: 04/24/2005 17:56:16
Last log entry: AOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (46)
1.3modifiedbillcontainer/src/main/org/jboss/joinpoint/spi/JoinpointFactory.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.2modifiedbillcontainer/src/main/org/jboss/classadapter/plugins/reflect/ReflectClassAdapter.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.5modifiedbillcontainer/src/main/org/jboss/classadapter/spi/ClassAdapter.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.4modifiedbillcontainer/src/main/org/jboss/joinpoint/plugins/config/Config.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.5modifiedbillcontainer/src/main/org/jboss/joinpoint/plugins/reflect/ReflectJoinpointFactory.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.14modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/plugins/dependency/AbstractKernelController.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.9modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/spi/config/KernelConfigurator.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.9modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/info/plugins/AbstractBeanInfo.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.8modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/info/spi/BeanInfo.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.7modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/AbstractBeanMetaData.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.2modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/plugins/factory/GenericBeanFactory.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.6modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/beans/metadata/spi/BeanMetaData.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.4modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/plugins/config/AbstractKernelConfigurator.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.15modifiedbillkernel/src/main/org/jboss/kernel/plugins/config/Configurator.javaAOP integration.BeanMetaData now has a Metadata attribute that holds additional metadata like AOP annotation overrides, advice bindings, and mixins.ClassAdapter now requires to pass in the Metadata when calling getDependencies and JoinPointFactory requires this as well when calling getConstructorJoinPoint.
1.4modifiedbillaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aspects/kernel/AspectClassAdapter.javaChanges to support aop/microcontainer integration.ClassAdapter now takes in metadata. This metadata can be a per-bean AOP metadata thing that can add bindings and introductions on a per-bean basisa proxy will be created in such scenarios right now.Eventually I will need to integrate this with the new AOP per-instance API.
1.4modifiedbillaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aspects/kernel/AspectJoinpointFactory.javaChanges to support aop/microcontainer integration.ClassAdapter now takes in metadata. This metadata can be a per-bean AOP metadata thing that can add bindings and introductions on a per-bean basisa proxy will be created in such scenarios right now.Eventually I will need to integrate this with the new AOP per-instance API.
1.2modifiedbillaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aspects/kernel/ClassProxyConstructorJoinpoint.javaChanges to support aop/microcontainer integration.ClassAdapter now takes in metadata. This metadata can be a per-bean AOP metadata thing that can add bindings and introductions on a per-bean basisa proxy will be created in such scenarios right now.Eventually I will need to integrate this with the new AOP per-instance API.
1.101modifiedbillaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/AspectManager.javachanges to support AOP/Kernel integration
1.7modifiedbillaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/advice/InterceptorFactory.javachanges to support AOP/Kernel integration
1.9modifiedbillaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/advice/GenericInterceptorFactory.javachanges to support AOP/Kernel integration
1.14modifieddimitrissystem/src/main/org/jboss/system/server/ServerInfo.javaJBAS-1449, added ServerInfo.listMemoryPools(boolean fancy) to present jdk5 memory stats.
1.6modifieddimitrissystem/src/main/org/jboss/system/server/ServerInfoMBean.javaJBAS-1449, added ServerInfo.listMemoryPools(boolean fancy) to present jdk5 memory stats.
1.452modifiedreverbeltestsuite/build.xmlTarget iiop-test needs the NameService reference and the client-side txinterceptor.
1.6modifiedreverbeltransaction/src/main/org/jboss/tm/remoting/server/DistributedTransactionManager.javaDTM bug fixing.
1.9modifiedreverbeltransaction/src/main/org/jboss/tm/GlobalId.javaDTM bug fixing.
1.3modifiedreverbeltransaction/src/main/org/jboss/tm/remoting/interfaces/TxPropagationContext.javaDTM bug fixing.
1.6modifiedreverbeliiop/src/main/org/jboss/tm/iiop/TxServerInterceptor.javaDTM bug fixing.
1.26modifiedstarksmtomcat/build.xmlAdd a tests src directory
1.11modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/jacc/DelegatingPolicy.javaAdd trace level logging on the current policy context subject
1.2modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebSecurityMetaData.javaThe web resource collection does not have to be unique so if a new collection is added with a duplicate name, unique the name.
1.2modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/web/WebPermissionMapping.javaUpdate the qualified url pattern name usage and make sure the default pattern is included if not seen in the security constraints.
1.5modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd a test of permission matching from a Permissions collection.
1.5modifiedstarksmtomcat/src/main/org/jboss/web/tomcat/security/JaccAuthorizationRealm.javaIf there is no caller simply pass the auth check to the policy wiht a null principals array as this can be an unchecked resource. Resolves (JBAS-1684) JaccAuthorizationRealm incorrectly returns false when unauthenticated caller attempts to access an unprotected resource.
1.4modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/CertRolesLoginModule.javaCleanup the duplicate code using the Util class
1.3modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/DatabaseCertLoginModule.javaCleanup the duplicate code using the Util class
1.13modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/DatabaseServerLoginModule.javaCleanup the duplicate code using the Util class
1.19modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/UsersRolesLoginModule.javaCleanup the duplicate code using the Util class
1.1addedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/Util.javaCommon login module utility methods
1.3modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/CertRolesLoginModule.javaAdd a defaultRolesProperties=string: The name of the properties resource containing the username to roles mappings that will be used as the defaults Properties passed to the usersProperties Properties. This defaults to
1.18modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/UsersRolesLoginModule.javaUpdate the javadoc
1.42modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebMetaData.javaAdd setters for the properties to allow for external configuration
1.59modifiedstarksmsecurity/build.xmlInclude the JndiLoginInitialContextFactory in the jbosssx-client.jar
1.2modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/resources/security/web-constraints/web.xmlAdd some additional nested excluded paths to test interaction between security constraints
1.2modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/jacc/test/WebConstraintsUnitTestCase.javaOverride the testGetAccess/testPostAccess tests to get the strictStarRolesMode mode to true since "*" must be mapped to the web-app declared security-role/role-name values in the JACC permissions.
1.2modifiedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebConstraintsUnitTestCase.javaAdd additional permission overrides and a strictStarRolesMode flag indicating if a "*" web-app/auth-constraint/role-name should imply any authenticated user role, or only the security-role/role-name values in the web app. True = only the web-app defined roles
1.17modifiedstarksmsecurity/src/main/org/jboss/security/auth/spi/UsersRolesLoginModule.javaAdded two new login module options:defaultUsersProperties=string: The name of the properties resource containing the username to password mappings that will be used as the defaults Properties passed to the usersProperties Properties. This defaults to defaultRolesProperties=string: The name of the properties resource containing the username to roles mappings that will be used as the defaults Properties passed to the usersProperties Properties. This defaults to

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