Bill Burke wrote:


1. @Tx tags can only be used on classes but not interfaces (in the case
of MBeans)
    a. reason this would be handled by the MBean deployer adding a
transaction interceptor rather than AOP proper.
    b. there is no framework within jboss for XMBeans using attribute
tags to specify interception

Use EJBs.

I cannot use service beans due to mentioned issues.

2. There is no way to depend upon the creation of entity managers
(meaning a xxx.par file results in no mbean being created less its
deployment which is created before the entities inside are deployed and
before its EntityManagers.xxx is bound to jndi) which makes it difficult
to use them outside of service beans.

This has been fixed in next release. There is an MBean created for each persistence unit. You can either depend on it, or...if you are using EJBs, the dependency will be automatically figured out. <depends> is now available in jboss.xml for ejbs

And this is now done *after* the thing is completely deployed rather than before?

3. Service Beans have no way to declare multiple instances (such as
through XML) and must be statically defined on a 1-1 basis with classes

Fixed in next release.  jboss.xml will support service bean declaration.

Meaning the release that will be part of JBoss 4.0.4?

4. Service beans have no way to declare configurable dependency
injection.  (AOP does not provide a way to get a services name if it
were to very other than reflection upon attribute tags which leads back
to #3)

<ejb-ref> etc. will work in next release. No <depends optional-attribute> yet though.

Having no way to support dynamic configuration after compile-time precludes the use of service beans for me.

5. unwrapped deployment of par files appears to be non-functional

you mean, exploded pars?


6. dynamic load time weaving appears to be too course grained (on/off
with include/exclude patterns rather than deployable pattern definitions)

Reason I bring this up:

I'm attempting to reorganize JBMS to use the latest JBoss tech, however
service beans are not suited to the task which requires using
traditional xmbeans and mbeans.  However, doing this requires looking up
the EntityMangers.xxx and doing a manual injection.  However it is
difficult to time startup properly on a coarse deployment (ear/sar/etc
rather than using prefix and seperate deployments) because the depends
tag cannot be used.


1. XMBean framework should integrate more with the AOP framework at
least in the use of annotations such that interceptors/etc can be used
in the method level intercepts, patterns should be analyzed and proxy
type interceptors deployed for beans with annotations.

In the works for JBoss 5 in conjunction with MC.

(see title of mail)

2. EJB3 deployer should create an MBean for each entity manager bound to
JNDI and possibly for each entity bean deployed

yes on entity manager (already there) no for each entity bean (doesn't make sense)


3. A more comprehensive framework with regards to service beans should
emerge which allows base definitions to be described through attributes
and instance/dependency infromation through XML.


not for 4.x (the scope of this email)

4. unwrapped par/ejb3 deployments should be supported.

Bizarre, probably just a simple bug.

possibly, ran into that a few months ago.

In summary:

1. There is still no way to support dynamic dependency injection for service beans in the 4.x releases or branch. (which makes them a unusable for JBMS)

2. entity managers will now have mbeans created to represent them

3. There will in 4.0.4 be a way to dynamically configure multiple instances of a service with different service names.

4. There will be no way in 4.x to properly support transactions via attributes with XMBeans (via the interface)...we can work around this but it is really unfortunate as 5.x/MC is unlikely to be released before September or October (I'm guessing based on my estimate of its velocity and probable impact site not based on any stated plan).

5. exploded pars should be supported if they are not it is likely a bug.. I'll investigate this further after the M4 release as it is more of an annoyance than critical issue.

Having the dependency information will make things work a lot more smoothly for us, we will still not be able to use service beans without at least deploytime dependency injection. We will have to continue to kludge around these holes in the near future but one day 5.0 will fix all of our problems (and hopefully brew a find cup of java)...

Again, service beans should support XML injection of <ejb-ref> <env-entry>, etc... from XML in jboss.xml


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