On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 10:50 -0600, Scott M Stark wrote:
> Something seems wrong with the timeout setting on
> org.jboss.test.concurrent.ReentrantLockTest as the test failed with a
> timeout in 0.006 seconds?

Yes I said that before. There is a "short delay" in the TCK parameters
but it is ridiculously short. The backport concurrent tests have the

> The 3 org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest failures seem to be
> known issues?

Yes. In backport concurrent util, you have to enable fair queueing
for it to keep track of the threads inside the Semaphore.

> Unexpected exceptionjava.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Use FAIR
> version at edu.emory.mathcs.backport.java.util.concurrent.Semaphore
> $NonfairSync.getQueuedThreads(Semaphore.java:298) at
> edu.emory.mathcs.backport.java.util.concurrent.Semaphore.getQueuedThreads(Semaphore.java:827)
>  at 
> org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest$PublicSemaphore.getQueuedThreads(SemaphoreTest.java:29)
>  at 
> org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest.testGetQueuedThreads(SemaphoreTest.java:377)
>  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at 
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) 
> at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
>  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324) at 
> junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154) at 
> junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127) at 
> junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106) at 
> junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124) at 
> junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109) at 
> junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118) at 
> junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208) at 
> junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203) at 
> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.run(JUnitTestRunner.java:289)
>  at 
> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.launch(JUnitTestRunner.java:656)
>  at 
> org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.JUnitTestRunner.main(JUnitTestRunner.java:558)
>         ______________________________________________________________
>         From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>         Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:59 AM
>         To: Adrian Brock; jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net; QA;
>         Ryan Campbell; Scott M Stark
>         Subject: jbossretro-testsuite Build Completed With Testsuite
>         Errors
>         Importance: High
>         View results here ->
> http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jbossretro-testsuite?log=log20060314045211
>                                  TESTS FAILED
>                                   Ant Error
>         Message: 
> /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jbossretro-testsuite.xml:75: The 
> following error occurred while executing this line: 
> /services/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-common-targets.xml:11: Build 
> Successful - Tests completed with errors or failures.
>                       Date of build: 03/14/2006 04:52:11
>                       Time to build: 7 minutes 4 seconds
>                       Last changed: 03/06/2006 15:09:55
>          Last log entry: Revert the reentrant lock stuff to backport
>           concurrent utiland remove tests that don't have coverage.

>               Unit Tests: (1233)  Total Errors and Failures: (5) 
>                                                  unknown
>                       org.jboss.test.concurrent.ReentrantLockTest
>                                   testPrivilegedThreadFactory
>                          org.jboss.test.concurrent.ExecutorsTest
>                                        testHasQueuedThreads
>                          org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest
>                                          testGetQueueLength
>                          org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest
>                                        testGetQueuedThreads
>                          org.jboss.test.concurrent.SemaphoreTest
>               Modifications since last build:  (first 50 of 166) 
>                                      1.2
>                                    deleted
>                                     adrian
>            src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LockSupportTest.java
>                                   Revert the
>                                   reentrant
>                                   lock stuff
>                                  to backport
>                                   concurrent
>                                    utiland
>                                  remove tests
>                                   that don't
>                                      have
>                                   coverage.
>                                      1.4
>                                    deleted
>                                     adrian
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ReentrantReadWriteLockTest.java
>                                   Revert the
>                                   reentrant
>                                   lock stuff
>                                  to backport
>                                   concurrent
>                                    utiland
>                                  remove tests
>                                   that don't
>                                      have
>                                   coverage.
>                                      1.2
>                                    deleted
>                                     adrian
>               src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadTest.java
>                                   Revert the
>                                   reentrant
>                                   lock stuff
>                                  to backport
>                                   concurrent
>                                    utiland
>                                  remove tests
>                                   that don't
>                                      have
>                                   coverage.
>                                      1.3
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/SemaphoreTest.java
>                                  Provide more
>                                  information
>                                      than
>                             "UnexpectedException"
>                                      1.8
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>                     thirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jar
>                                   Remove the
>                                   signature
>                                   fixing.We
>                                      need
>                                  something a
>                                    bit more
>                                    robust.
>                                      1.3
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ReentrantReadWriteLockTest.java
>                                  Work around
>                                    unweaved
>                                  stuff in the
>                          ReentrantReadWriteLock test
>                                      1.4
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/JSR166TestCase.java
>                                    Exclude
>                                   tests for
>                            UncaughtExceptionHandler
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/SemaphoreTest.java
>                                  Remove tests
>                                      for
>                                   semaphore
>                                   operations
>                                      with
>                                    multiple
>                                  permitssince
>                                    backport
>                                   concurrent
>                                  util doesn't
>                                    support
>                                     these
>                                  operations.
>                                      1.7
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>                     thirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jar
>                                    Add the
>                                   ability to
>                                   change the
>                                  signature of
>                                   a constant
>                                      pool
>                                   methodref
>                                   entry.This
>                                   is useful
>                                  for JDK5 to
>                                  1.4 mapping,
>         e.g.java.lang.String.clone()Ljava.lang.String; -> 
> java.lang.String.clone()Ljava.lang.Object;Apply this for 
> ReentrantLock.read/writeLock()
>                                      1.6
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>                     thirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jar
>                                    Use the
>                                   version of
>                                   javassist
>                                  that handles
>                                  no parameter
>                                  annotations
>                                   properly.
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutorTest.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                   tests that
>                                      use
>                                  non-existant
>                                      api
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutorSubclassTest.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                   tests that
>                                      use
>                                  non-existant
>                                      api
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSetTest.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                   tests that
>                                      use
>                                  non-existant
>                                  apiSimulate
>                       pollFirst/Last used by this test.
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeMapTest.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                   tests that
>                                      use
>                                  non-existant
>                                      api
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TimeUnitTest.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                   tests that
>                                      use
>                                  non-existant
>                                      api
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                     adrian
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/RunnableScheduledFuture.java
>                                    Include
>                                  non-existant
>                                     api in
>                           org.jboss.test.concurrent
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                     adrian
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/RunnableFuture.java
>                                    Include
>                                  non-existant
>                                     api in
>                           org.jboss.test.concurrent
>                                      1.3
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/JSR166TestCase.java
>                                  Comment out
>                                  non-existant
>                                      test
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ReentrantReadWriteLockTest.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                  remove tests
>                                  of non java
>                                   5 methods
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LinkedListTest.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                  remove tests
>                                  of non java
>                                   5 methods
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/JSR166TestCase.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                    removed
>                                   tests for
>                                  classes not
>                                   present in
>                                      jdk5
>                                      1.2
>                                    deleted
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDequeTest.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                    removed
>                                   tests for
>                                  classes not
>                                   present in
>                                      jdk5
>                                      1.2
>                                    deleted
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSubMapTest.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                    removed
>                                   tests for
>                                  classes not
>                                   present in
>                                      jdk5
>                                      1.2
>                                    deleted
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSubSetTest.java
>                                  JBAS-2814 -
>                                    removed
>                                   tests for
>                                  classes not
>                                   present in
>                                      jdk5
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/JSR166TestCase.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDequeTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LinkedBlockingQueueTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LinkedListTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>            src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/LockSupportTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueueTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>           src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/PriorityQueueTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>           src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ReentrantLockTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ReentrantReadWriteLockTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorSubclassTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/SemaphoreTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>          src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/SynchronousQueueTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>               src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/SystemTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>            src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadLocalTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutorSubclassTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>         src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutorTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>               src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/ThreadTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TimeUnitTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeMapTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSetTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSubMapTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                   rcampbell
>             src/test/org/jboss/test/concurrent/TreeSubSetTest.java
>                                   JBAS-2814:
>                                    Initial
>                                   import of
>                                  jsr166 tck.
>                                   Currently
>                                    excluded
>                                   from build
>                                  since it has
>                                  dependencies
>                                      not
>                                  available in
>                                     jdk5.
>                                      1.1
>                                     added
>                                     adrian
>              src/test/org/jboss/test/strings/StringsTestCase.java
>                                  [JBAS-2809]
>                                  - Add JDK1.5
>                                     String
>                                    methods
>                                   needed by
>                                  webservices.
>                                      1.2
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>               src/test/org/jboss/test/other/AutoboxTestCase.java
>                                  Add missing
>                                    license
>                                    header.
>                                      1.5
>                                    modified
>                                     adrian
>                     thirdparty/javassist/lib/javassist.jar
>                                  [JBAS-2810]
>                                     - Add
>                                  support for
>                                   parameter
>                                  annotations.
Adrian Brock
Chief Scientist
JBoss Inc.

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