What snapshot was used for CR3? The one from the repository or the one from HEAD? The one from the repository would be a bad choice because I don't now what should go into release notes. Having a release w/o release notes is no different from using a snapshot.

Ryan Campbell wrote:
Ok, I'll do the 1.0.0.CR3 release later today and document the process I
use in the wiki.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott M Stark Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:57 PM
To: Dimitris Andreadis; 'jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net'; QA
Subject: RE: Upgrade jbossxb to a non-snapshot release

If Alexey does not reply by tomorrow I would take the current jboss-head
code and make a jbossxb-1.0.0.CR3 release. I don't know how this is
being built since this has not been broken out yet. For the 4.0.4.GA the
common module needs to be broken up into a separate projects with those
jars released to the repository and integrated into the jbossas build.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitris Andreadis Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:01 PM
To: jboss-development@lists.sourceforge.net; QA
Subject: Upgrade jbossxb to a non-snapshot release

Related to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3011

Alexey, should we just copy the current "snapshot" into a jbossxb-1.0.0.CR3, or wait another day?


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