Are the J2EE TCK tests part of the QA procedure before the release?

Dimitris Andreadis wrote:
When we started work on 4.0.4 we had 300+ issues ahead of us, now after
2 candidate releases we are down to around 80, which is quite an
achievement, but still a significant amount of work is left for the
final (GA) release.

The current target date is 26th/April which includes Easter and is just
3 weeks ahead of us. This gives roughly 2 weeks of bug fixing and 1 week
of integration testing. New features shouldn't be introduced at this

Please take a look at the issues assigned to you and resolve/defer in

Take a look at the unassigned ones and help:

The current breakout is roughly shown below.
NoComponent             3
Build                   2
Clustering              7
CMP                     13
Deployment              3
Documentation   1  (+ 6 dependencies)
EJB                     10 (6 unassigned)
Hibernate               1
IIOP                    2
Installer               5 (5 unassigned)
JCA                     1
JMX                     5 (1 unassigned)
Logging         1
Management              2
Naming          1
Other                   1
Remoting                6
Security                6 (1 unassigned)
System          1
Testsuite               5 (1 unassigned)
Tomcat          6
WebServices             3
XML                     1

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