marc fleury wrote:

> mmmmmm
> just checked it on my installation with
>        conf =
> and
> System.out.println("The configuration is "+conf);
> and I get
> The configuration is Default Stateful SessionBean
> instead of your
> returns null
> need to go right now but do check the defaultjboss.xml file in your
> installation it should have the stateful entry
I've got the stateful entry, and it gets loaded and works fine for the
testbeans. In the case where a jboss.xml file is available defaultjboss.xml
doesn't seem to be loaded (I added some logging jBossFileManager where it
loads the file).

This may be irrelevant, but I also noticed that the ejx utility creates a
new jboss.xml file without any configuration settings for the beans as in...


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