Answering my own question (sorta):
I switched to jdk1.3, checked all my environment variables, relogged
in, and danced a jig.  Now it works.  I set JAVA_HOME and J2EE_HOME,
although these weren't needed in non-classic mode.  Who knows how
I fixed it.

I had another problem earlier trying to get jboss to work with
a symbolic link to a jdk (1.2.2 or 1.3) in Linux.  This doesn't seem to
work.  It seems like the jdk binaries need to be explicitly in
your path, not in a symbolic link in your path. 

I guess jdk1.3-beta it is.

Jeff Mc.

--- I wrote before this... ----
I'm trying to run jboss in debug mode and am getting an
error about not finding "".  I can see this file
in my jdk1.2.2/lib/i386/ directory.  I'm starting jboss
with the args "-classic -Xdebug...-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket..."
on LINUX using jdk1.2.2.

1)  Is this an environment variable problem?
2)  Do I need to use jdk1.3?

Jeff Mc.

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