Hi All,
I'm very new to j2ee & jboss.
I'm trying to follow the ejb toturial in j2sdkee1.2.1 to deploy to jboss.
The bean can be deploy in jboss but the client can't lookup the bean.
I have test the bean with the j2ee server come with j2sdkee1.2.1, it work.

below is the tutorial code to lookup the bean.
          InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
          System.out.println("new InitialContext()");
          Object objref = ic.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/Adder");
          System.out.println("lookup ok");
          AdderHome home = 
(AdderHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, AdderHome.class);
          System.out.println("narrow ok");
          adder = home.create(0);
          System.out.println("create ok");

which part of this code I have to modified so it can run under jboss?
or what is the best method to lookup a bean?

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