
"Andersson, Jan" wrote:
> I've been working my way through the "Beginning EJB programming using jBoss
> (Windows)" and have now started to create some beans by myself. Some
> problems I've come across have had me thinking of the following things found
> in "Beginning ...".
> The structure for the interest bean example:
> com
>     web_tomorrow
>         interest
>             {java source and class files here}
>         ejb-jar.xml
>         jboss.xml (optional)
> Why is META-INF on top of the package/directory structure, instead of in the
> interest directory? There will probably be lots of beans in a package
> structure. Do the all have to share the same META-INF and, consequently, the
> same ejb-jar.xml?
> The following sentence from step three in "Beginning...":
> "The deployment descriptor must be called ejb-jar.xml and it must be in the
> directory .\META-INF."
> The dot in .\META-INF of course is the reference to the current directory,
> but what is the current directory?

The root, i.e. as you have shown above.

Yes, that means that the info of all beans in the same structure should
be in the same ejb-jar.xml file. That's the whole point: logically
related beans are described as a unit, a.k.a. an EJB JAR file. If you
want one bean per JAR, then you have several completely separate
directory structures.


Rickard Öberg


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