I tried out a standalone application which creates a new Level and logs using 
that level. Everything worked fine for me. I tried uploading the sample project 
onto some site, but my firewall blocks those sites. So, here's the code, which 
is working. There are 2 java files involved. One corresponds to the new log 
level (MyTraceLevel.java) and other is a test file(TestMyLogLevel.java) 
containing the main() method. The log4j.xml is also posted here:


package org.myapp.log;
  | import org.apache.log4j.Level;
  | /**
  |  * My own [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.apache.log4j.Level} for logging.
  |  * 
  |  * @author Jaikiran Pai
  |  * 
  |  */
  | public class MyTraceLevel extends Level {
  |     /**
  |      * Value of my trace level. This value is lesser than [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |      * and higher than [EMAIL PROTECTED] org.apache.log4j.Level#TRACE_INT}
  |      */
  |     public static final int MY_TRACE_INT = DEBUG_INT - 10;
  |     /**
  |      * [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level} representing my log level 
  |      */
  |     public static final Level MY_TRACE = new 
  |     /**
  |      * Constructor
  |      * 
  |      * @param arg0
  |      * @param arg1
  |      * @param arg2
  |      */
  |     protected MyTraceLevel(int arg0, String arg1, int arg2) {
  |         super(arg0, arg1, arg2);
  |     }
  |     /**
  |      * Checks whether <code>sArg</code> is "MY_TRACE" level. If yes then 
returns [EMAIL PROTECTED] MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE},
  |      * else calls [EMAIL PROTECTED] MyTraceLevel#toLevel(String, Level)} 
passing it [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level#DEBUG} as the defaultLevel
  |      * 
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(java.lang.String)
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(java.lang.String, org.apache.log4j.Level)
  |      * 
  |      */
  |     public static Level toLevel(String sArg) {
  |         if (sArg != null && sArg.toUpperCase().equals("MY_TRACE")) {
  |             return MY_TRACE;
  |         }
  |         return (Level) toLevel(sArg, Level.DEBUG);
  |     }
  |     /**
  |      * Checks whether <code>val</code> is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE_INT}. If yes then returns [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |      * else calls [EMAIL PROTECTED] MyTraceLevel#toLevel(int, Level)} 
passing it [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level#DEBUG} as the defaultLevel
  |      * 
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(int)
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(int, org.apache.log4j.Level)
  |      * 
  |      */
  |     public static Level toLevel(int val) {
  |         if (val == MY_TRACE_INT) {
  |             return MY_TRACE;
  |         }
  |         return (Level) toLevel(val, Level.DEBUG);
  |     }
  |     /**
  |      * Checks whether <code>val</code> is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE_INT}. If yes then returns [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |      * else calls [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level#toLevel(int, 
  |      * 
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(int, org.apache.log4j.Level)
  |      */
  |     public static Level toLevel(int val, Level defaultLevel) {
  |         if (val == MY_TRACE_INT) {
  |             return MY_TRACE;
  |         }
  |         return Level.toLevel(val,defaultLevel);
  |     }
  |     /**
  |      * Checks whether <code>sArg</code> is "MY_TRACE" level. If yes then 
returns [EMAIL PROTECTED] MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE},
  |      * else calls [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level#toLevel(java.lang.String, 
  |      * 
  |      * @see Level#toLevel(java.lang.String, org.apache.log4j.Level)
  |      */
  |     public static Level toLevel(String sArg, Level defaultLevel) {          
  |        if(sArg != null && sArg.toUpperCase().equals("MY_TRACE")) {
  |            return MY_TRACE;
  |        }
  |        return Level.toLevel(sArg,defaultLevel);
  |     }
  | }


package org.myapp.core;
  | import org.apache.log4j.Level;
  | import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
  | import org.myapp.log.MyTraceLevel;
  | /**
  |  * Tests whether the new log level [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
org.myapp.log.MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE} is working
  |  * 
  |  * @author Jaikiran Pai
  |  *
  |  */
  | public class TestMyLogLevel {
  |     /**
  |      * Writes a log message with [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
org.myapp.log.MyTraceLevel#MY_TRACE} and another message
  |      * with [EMAIL PROTECTED] Level#DEBUG}
  |      * 
  |      * @param args
  |      */
  |     public static void main(String[] args) {
  |         Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestMyLogLevel.class.getName());
  |         System.out.println("Got the logger. Invoking log() method");
  |         logger.log(MyTraceLevel.MY_TRACE,"Did i get into the log file?");
  |         System.out.println("Wrote the log with my trace level");
  |         logger.log(Level.DEBUG ,"I am a debug message");
  |         System.out.println("Wrote the log with debug level");
  |     }
  | }


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
  | <!-- ===================================================================== 
  | <!--                                                                       
  | <!--  Log4j Configuration                                                  
  | <!--                                                                       
  | <!-- ===================================================================== 
  | <!-- $Id: log4j.xml,v 2003/09/23 14:16:27 slaboure Exp $ -->
  | <!--
  |    | For more configuration infromation and examples see the Jakarta Log4j
  |    | owebsite: http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j
  |  -->
  | <log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/"; 
  |    <!-- ================================= -->
  |    <!-- Preserve messages in a local file -->
  |    <!-- ================================= -->
  |    <!-- A size based rolling appender -->
  |    <appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.FileAppender">
  |      <param name="File" value="D:/log/myLogFile.log"/>
  |      <param name="Append" value="false"/>
  |      <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
  |        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%c] %m%n"/>
  |      </layout>          
  |    </appender>
  |    <!-- ============================== -->
  |    <!-- Append messages to the console -->
  |    <!-- ============================== -->
  |    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
  |       <param name="Target" value="System.out"/>
  |       <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
  |       <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
  |          <!-- The default pattern: Date Priority [Category] Message\n -->
  |        <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ISO8601}  %-5p [%c{1}] 
  |       </layout>
  |    </appender>
  |    <!-- ================ -->
  |    <!-- Limit categories -->
  |    <!-- ================ -->
  |    <category name="org.myapp">
  |        <priority value="MY_TRACE" class="org.myapp.log.MyTraceLevel" />
  |        <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
  |    </category>
  |    <!-- ======================= -->
  |    <!-- Setup the Root category -->
  |    <!-- ======================= -->
  |    <root>
  |       <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
  |    </root>
  | </log4j:configuration>

And here's the log file that got generated:

2006-07-12 13:45:40,633 MY_TRACE [org.myapp.core.TestMyLogLevel] Did i get into 
the log file?
  | 2006-07-12 13:45:40,633 DEBUG [org.myapp.core.TestMyLogLevel] I am a debug 

See if this works for you. By the way, i used log4j-1.2.12.jar, if at all that 

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