"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : If you really _have_ to have transparent lazy 
fetching of data off of the user, combined with caching of that data then 
create a session-scoped managed persistence context.
  | There are a couple of ways to do this, but the easiest is to use Seam 1.1 
CVS build and throw the following in components.xml:
  | <component name="userDatabase" 
  |   |         scope="session"
  |   |         class="org.jboss.seam.core.ManagedPersistenceContext">
  |   |     <property 
  |   | </component>
  |   | 
  | Hello, i want to use the approache mentionend above but i have some 
questions regarding this.
  | 1)
  | What does "myEntityManagerFactory" means in this context, is that the value 
of the "jboss.entity.manager.factory.jndi.name" property described in my 
persistence.xml ?
  |   | <property 
  |   | 
  | 2) how can i use this(java side)?
  | Should i use
  | @PersistenceContext
  | private EntityManager em;
  | or (adepting your example nr1)
  | @In(create=true) 
  | private EntityManager userDatabase;
  | Thank u very much,
  | Holger

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