1) How we can use JBPM Fork and Join in Seam? 

Fork and Join are used in Concurrent executions, Nested Executions. Fork is the 
starting point for multiple executions(Conversations) while Join is to join in 
the already existing (Converstaion).  

3) How Process Composition would be carried out by using Seam? 

Process composition is the ability to include a sub process as part of a super 
process. This advanced feature makes it possible to add abstraction to process 
modelling. For the business analyst, this feature is important to handle break 
down large models in smaller blocks.

4) What is the difference between Node and Task Node? 

    A) A process graph is made up of nodes and transitions.Each node has a 
specific type. e.g Node type Task , Decission , State, Fork etc.
    B) nodeA task node represents one or more tasks that are to be performed by 
humans. So when execution arrives in a task node, task instances will be 
created in the task lists of the workflow participants. After that, the node 
will behave as a wait state. So when the users perform their task, the task 
completion will trigger the resuming of the execution. In other words, that 
leads to a new signal being called on the token.

5) Where to use Simple State and Process State? 6) How to handle Super State 
using Seam? 

Process composition is supported in jBPM by means of the process-state. The 
process state is a state that is associated with another process definition. 
When graph execution arrives in the process state, a new process instance of 
the sub-process is created and it is associated with the path of execution that 
arrived in the process state. The path of execution of the super process will 
wait till the sub process instance has ended. When the sub process instance 
ends, the path of execution of the super process will leave the process state 
and continue graph execution in the super process. 

<process-definition name="hire"> 
<process-state name="initial interview"> 
<sub-process name="interview" /> 
<variable name="a" access="read,write" mapped-name="aa" /> <variable name="b" 
access="read" mapped-name="bb" /> 

This 'hire' process contains a process-state that spawns an 'interview' 
process. When execution arrives in the 'first interview', a new execution 
(=process instance) for the latest version of the 'interview' process is 
created. Then variable 'a' from the hire process is copied into variable 'aa' 
from the interview process. The same way, hire variable 'b' is copied into 
interview variable 'bb'. When the interview process finishes, only variable 
'aa' from the interview process is copied back into the 'a' variable of the 
hire process.

In general, When a subprocess is started, all variables with read access are 
read from the super process and fed into the newly created sub process before 
the signal is given to leave the start state. When the sub process instances is 
finished, all the variables with write access will be copied from the sub 
process to the super process. The mapped-name attribute of the variable element 
allows you to specify the variable name that should be used in the sub process.

simple state
Normally, a node is always executed after a token has entered the node. So the 
node is executed in the thread of the client.

The Above mentioned are concept taken from JBPM documentation. Kindly Correct 
me if i am going wrong?


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