Hello. I'm trying to build an scenario with the following behaviour:

Two kind of messages can be feeded into a JMS queue:
-NEW. Messages that triggers the creation of a new entity (ejb3.test.AEntity).
-INCR. Messages that triggers the modification of a persistent property 
           of a given entity(ejb3.test.AEntity).

ejb3.test.AEntity is a simple versioned entity with just a persistent property 
(other than version and id) called counter. It exposes a bussiness method to 
increment that counter as:
public void incr() {
  logger.info("incr called for " + this);
  setCounter( getCounter() + 1);

I have a MDB to handle the messages. NEW messages are handled in the following 
 Creates a new AEntity instance.
 Persist it in the injected EntityManager.
 Flushes the Entity Manager.
 Send 10 INCR messages.

INCR messages are handled as:
  Finds the AEntity that the message is referenced to (using a property into 
the message).
  Locks the AEntity.
  Calls the AEntity bussiness method: incr().

This scenario does not work using Oracle as DataSource: The AEntity is created, 
but the MDBs handling the 'INCR' messages are not able to find that Entity 

        AEntity a = manager.find(AEntity.class, aId);

I suppose that the problem is that the transaction for the MDB handling the 
'NEW' message has not finished. But, shouldn't the EntityManager.flush() commit 
the changes to the DataBase? I tried to change the MDB to BMT and it worked in 
that way.

On the other hand, this worked under Hypersonic, supposedly because it only 
implements UNCOMMITED_READ as isolation transaction level. Also, I got warning 
with Hypersonic trying to use:

  manager.lock(a, LockModeType.READ);

 in my attempts to lock the AEntity instance before calling its business method:

AEntity a = manager.find(AEntity.class, aId);
if ( a != null ) {
  manager.lock(a, LockModeType.READ);
} else {
   logger.warn("No entity with id " + aId);

Unfortunately, using Oracle 9i as DataSource, the INCR handlers are never able 
to see the Entity (manager.find returns null). With Hypersonic, the entity 
becomes available after flushing the EntityManager (READ_UNCOMMITED).

Furthermore, when using an UserTransaction with BMT, the Entity is visible by 
the 'INCR' MDB handlers but they seems to see the entity in a concurrent 
fashion, hence, the final result of the counter field is not valid.

Also, trying to use manager.lock(a, LockModeType.WRITE) with a previously 
created Entity, using CMT, finishes in a NullPointerException:

2006-07-28 13:37:03,801 ERROR [ejb3.test.MsgHandler] Errors found:
java.lang.NullPointerException at 
        at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.fireLock(SessionImpl.java:586)
        at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.lock(SessionImpl.java:578)

After reading the EJB3 Persistence specification, I think that using 
EntityMager.lock() should avoid the concurrent MDBs trying to get the Entity to 
access it, and the transactions implied should be serialized to avoid 
inconsistencies (physically locking the DB row related with the entity). I'm a 
newbie in this ejb3 world (even in j2ee world) so, I would like to know if I 
have make any (or a lot of ) mistake in my assumptions or code.

Best regards.

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