
One thing that is not completely clear from your description is wether or not 
the user has actually authenticated to servlet container.  Just because the 
login form is returned does not neccessarily mean authentication did not 
happen.  To be more specific...

Consider the case when a request is made to login form page direclty.  The user 
fills out the form and submits.  If the user authenticated correctly, then the 
container will redirect user back to originally requested page.  Which in this 
case happens to be the login form.  

So I suggest trying one of two things.  Either add some temporary code to your 
login form (jsp) to display something if user is authenticated (i.e. 
request.getUserPrincipal()).  Or create and secure another page (well call it 
main).  Then request main.  If user has not authenticated, they should be 
forwarded to login form.  Once authenticated, user should be forwarded back to 


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