Concerning the exception, it looks like there might be a problem with the 
binding framework. Did you put jboss-xml-binding.jar from JBoss XB 1.0.0.CR6 in 
both the client AND lib directories of your JBoss installation?

"danny_hon" wrote : Julien said we should use the management portlet to create 
the instance for remote portlet ealier in this thread.  Now you said we 
couldn't.  I am a little bit confused.  The weather portlet (under 
samples/src/main/org/jboss/samples/portlet/weather) seems to be just a portlet 
that retrieve data from web services.  How does it related to WSRP?  Am I 
looking at the right weather portlet?

Let me try again. Yes, you need to use the management portlet of Portal's admin 
page to create an instance of the remote portlet, just like you would for any 
local portlets. Once this is done, you can add the remote portlet to any of 
your pages, once again, just like any local portlet. However, once the portlet 
is deployed, and a user gets access to it, it is NOT currently possible to let 
them configure them if they need to do so. In essence, if the remote portlet 
needs to be configured individually for each user (because it works with user 
preferences or properties), the fact that our WSRP does NOT currently support 
the WSRP Portlet Management interface (which is optional, btw), will prevent 
your users from being able to customize the remote portlets.

This does NOT prevent you from being able to deploy remote portlets and put 
them in pages. It's just that it will work better if these portlets don't 
require end-user customization since this user customization won't be possible. 

Is that clearer?

"danny_hon" wrote : What I am looking for is a way to use remote portlets 
provided by other vendors.  What do I need to do after deploying the *-wsrp.xml 
file that contains the remote portlet information.

Use the management portlet from Portal's admin page. Select the portlet 
provider with the same name as the name you put as the producer id in the 
-wsrp.xml file. You should then see the list of portlets offered by the remote 
producer. You can then create an instance of any of these portlets and put it 
in one of your portal page just like you would with locale portlets.

I am working on improving the documentation so that it is clearer. Thanks for 
your patience in that respect.

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