I get the lastest dev Jboss IDE from the eclipse update center
and do the tutorial follow the flash , 

when i ran in the jboss as , 
first : there is no messages.properties file in the projects.

after i build a messages.properties myself, there is another problem.

14:09:40,500 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'id' (calling fi
ndComponent on component '_id2:_id14')
14:09:40,531 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'name' (calling
findComponent on component '_id2:_id16')
14:09:40,546 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'zipcode' (calli
ng findComponent on component '_id2:_id18')
14:09:40,546 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'country' (calli
ng findComponent on component '_id2:_id20')
14:10:58,343 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'id' (calling fi
ndComponent on component '_id2:_id14')
14:10:58,359 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'name' (calling
findComponent on component '_id2:_id16')
14:10:58,359 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'zipcode' (calli
ng findComponent on component '_id2:_id18')
14:10:58,359 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'country' (calli
ng findComponent on component '_id2:_id20')
14:15:59,781 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'id' (calling fi
ndComponent on component '_id2:_id14')
14:15:59,781 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'name' (calling
findComponent on component '_id2:_id16')
14:17:36,593 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'id' (calling fi
ndComponent on component '_id2:_id11')
14:17:36,593 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'name' (calling
findComponent on component '_id2:_id12')
14:17:36,609 WARN  [HtmlLabelRenderer] Unable to find component 'pageSize' (call
ing findComponent on component '_id2:_id13')

so now i cannot ran this tutorial , 
maybe this tutorial cannot work in the lastest Jboss IDE or something i do 
wrong . 

any help ., thanks!

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