anonymous wrote : Yes. It is partially true. It is only needed to change the 
hibernate.cfg.xml to include something like: 

That's what I said. You need to create a hibernate.cfg.xml with an additional 
mapping to your own queries xml.

anonymous wrote : I just don't understand how to add my own jbpm.cfg.xml file. 
If i do this, what will happen to the existing configuration items in the 
original jbpm.cfg.xml file? 

You can create your own configuration file (default name is "jbpm.cfg.xml" but 
you can specify another name if you want to in JbpmConfiguration.getInstance() 
call).    This will overwrite the configurations in default.jbpm.cfg.xml.  So 
you just need to add the configuration settings you would like to change in 
your configuration file.

anonymous wrote : After going through the source code, i found that all the 
Sessions like GraphSession, TaskMgntSession etc are obtained from JbpmContext 
which use the DBPersistenceService. And DBPersistenceService hardcode these 
sessions there. 
  | What i can do is to create my own class like XXXSessioin and initialize it 
manually because it cannot be availalbe from JbpmContext. 
  | Is this right? 
  | comments? 

You can create your own persistenceService and use this one by adding your own 
DbPersistenceServiceFactory in your configuration file.  There you can do 
whatever your want.  Best is to subclass the existing DbPersistenceService and 
start from there I guess.


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