I think it's not necessary. I've found a guilty :D

I've in my classpath the tomahawk-sandbox-1.1.5-SNAPSHOT library. Inside it, 
there are some listeners. One of them, RedirectTrackerManager, Store a 
reference to my event scoped SFSB between requests. Really, not only my beans, 
but some beans injected by facelets too. As my event scoped SFSB dies after the 
request, the reference is invalid. This listener put into the new HttpRequest 
object the reference it's stored in a previous request.  

Perhaps this filter can't accept that there is certains beans which cannot be 

The source code for it is there 

If I delete the tomahawk-sandbox library, my app works perfect. As the problem 
is a bit weird for me, perhaps there isn't a solution and tomahawk-sandbox is 
incompatible with seam. 

I'll ask in myfaces mailing list, perhaps there is a solution. At least It 
helps me to know more aboute seam internals. :D

Anyway, do you still want the code I've made? Perhaps it's interesting to 
investigate a bit more this.



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