During an conversation i would like to create new conversations (not nested) 
with custom conversationIds. I added next code to my page:

  | <h:commandLink action="#{actionBean.show}" rendered="#{!entity.available}" 
  |     <s:conversationPropagation type="none" />
  |     <f:param name="name" value="#{entity.name}" />
  | </h:commandLink>

But it doesn't work as i expected: then i click this link i stay at same page: 
it doesn't contain info from old conversation (conversation propagation is 
really suppressed) and facesMessages input cantains "No conversation". During 
submit my custom action does not take control. If i remove 
<s:conversationPropagation> i get exception, because "actionBean.show" is 
annotated with @Begin.

What i want: i have conversations which contain different permutations of same 
entities. I takes much time to retrieve detailed info about these entities. I 
would like save obtained info in conversations with custom Ids, so Seam could 
optimize access to info already stored in memory.

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