I'm trying to do the simplest possible test, and have a stateless bean called 
GreeterBean, with its @Name set to greeter, with a getHello() method that 
returns "Hello, world!", so I can plug it into a page as #{greeter.hello}.  
This works perfectly.  My troubles come when trying to write a test for it.

  | public class GreeterTest extends SeamTest {
  |     @Test
  |     public void testGreeterHello() {
  |             Greeter g = (Greeter) Component.getInstance("greeter", true);
  |             assert g.getHello().equals("Hello, world!");
  |     }
  | }

Unfortunately, this fails, and I don't mean the test, but Component.getInstance 
dies with a NPE because Contexts.getApplicationContext() returns null.  I 
notice there's a MockApplication class lying around, but I'm stumped on how to 
actually use it, and the docs are rather sparse on the subject.

I tried dispensing with mocks and just going with embedded ejb3, but that's 
been a frightful experience, also replete with java's favorite catch-all error, 
the NPE (I curse the very invention of null).  I found that I could make my 
embedded ejb3 test work if I commented out @Name, but obviously this doesn't 
constitute much of a test.  I don't have the TB handy at the moment since I've 
deleted my embedded ejb3 launch configuration, but IIRC, it was croaking 
somewhere in the PostConstruct method of some long interceptor call chain.

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