I think this one definitely needs some insights from the Seam team.

I have to use a Hibernate mapping file instead of EJB3 Entity class in order to 
take advantage of my existing project code.

When persisting a Seam annotated POJO, which is mapped in the Hibernate mapping 
file, I receives a MappingException: Unknown entity: 

Trace into the Hibernate code, I found out the following:
1. The mapping of my class MyPojoClass is loaded properly after examining the 
Hibernate entityPersisters map. 
2. When retrieving the class name, Hibernate gets a name of 
MyPojoClass_$$_javassist_1 instead of just MyPojoClass. This cause the 
Hibernate to throw exception as it can not find this class name in its 
entityPersisters map.

Why javassist alters the classname it returns from the 
object.getClass().getName() call?

This is a road blocker and I can't not seem to bypass this error. Please help!

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