I'm having a very very strange conversation behavior,

Following is the scenario:
I have the following stateful bean:

  | @Stateful
  | @Name("personActions")
  | public class PersonActionsBean implements PersonActions{
  | Set<Attr> attrs = new LinkedHashSet<Attr>();
  | //getAttrs()
  | //setAttrs()
  | public void prepareCreatePerson() {
  | //init the attrs set with some elements
  | //init 4 elements!
  | }
  | public void createPreson() {
  |   //this result 0!
  |   log.debug("Attrs size:" + attrs.size());
  | }

I invoke 'prepareCreateUser' with the following link:

  | <s:button id="createPerson" value="Create Person" 
action="/createPersonFirstPage.xhtml" propagation="begin"/>

and I have 'createPersonFirstPage.page.xml' with:

  | <action execute="#{personActions.prepareCreatePerson}"/>

this action inits te 'attrs' list with few elements.

In 'createPersonFirstPage.xhtml I have a form which modifies the some of the 
'personActions.attrs' and a button such as:

  | <h:commandButton id="secondPage" value="Continue" 
action="/createPersonSecondPage.xhtml" />

createPersonSecondPage.xhtml has a button such as:

  | <h:commandButton id="save" value="Save" 

In 'createPersonSecondPage.page.xml' I have:

  | <navigation from-action="#{personActions.createPerson}">
  |        <end-conversation/>
  |        <redirect view-id="/Home.xhtml"/>
  | </navigation>

The strange is that when 'personActions.createPerson' is invoked 'attrs' list 
has NO elements. so even though the conversation has started at the first 
button the data is not available anymore (the conversation Id keeps being the 
same for all pages)

What makes is extremely strange is if I access the 'attrs' list in the second 
page (createPersonSecondPage.xhtml) (even like: <h:outputText 
value="#{personActions.attrs}/> I can see the elements and when the 'Save' 
button is pressed the elements are available!

What causes the data not to be kept? and why accessing the 'attrs' list in the 
second page makes seam to keep the elements within the list?



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