Env: JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA w/EJB3

I have looked over several different docs that describe how to use entity 
inheritance w/ SINGLE_TABLE.  I used those examples as the basis for my code.  
I have a base class Units and have subclasses RFUnit and EMUnit.

(em is an entitymanager object) 

When I do em.find() or em.getResultList() it always returns the base class.  I 
get no errors of any kind.  I am examining the returned class by both 
returnedObject.getClass().getName() and via Eclipse debugger.

Anyone: Please advise as to how to get subclasses returned from em find or 

Here are the relevant class declarations:

// base class
@Table(name = "units", catalog = "test2", uniqueConstraints = 
@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "unitName"))
// 1st subclass
@DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
public class RFUnit extends Units {

// 2nd subclass
@DiscriminatorColumn(name="hwModel", discriminatorType = 
public class EMUnit extends RFUnit {

// code doing find/fetch
UnitsList ul = new UnitsList(); // Seam convenience class
List l = ul.getResultList();
for (Units u:l)
        String tmp = u.getClass().getName();
I also tried:

ul.getEntityManager().createQuery("Select units from Units 
units").getResultList();    to do the fetch.  Same result.

This should be simple.  What am I missing?
I did confirm the discriminator column values where as specified in the 
@DiscriminatorValue annotation.

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