I have now tried to reproduce the issue in a standalone unit test and have 
succeeded to at least some extent =)

I am now running two caches locally where one is producing data and the other 
one is inspecting the cache - causing data to gravitate to the second cache. 
The issue is replicated in the sense that the produces does get a buddy backup 
node for itself, but I can't seem to get that node to contain any data. 

The standalone test is much simpler and single threaded compared to the real 
life application so thats a plausible reason why we do not see the exact same 
behaviour (i.e. data inside the redundant buddy backup node).

In short:
The producer (master) is started:
Master created:

The slave joins the cluster and is added as a buddy to the master:

  | null  {}
  |   /1  {1=c6m0p888dfvz}
  |   /_BUDDY_BACKUP_  {}
  |     /  {}

The slave fetches cache contents and data is gravitated to the slave, thus 
moving to the slave buddy backup. But we also see the master having a buddy 
backup for itself (with no data):

  | null  {}
  |   /_BUDDY_BACKUP_  {}
  |     /  {}
  |     /  {}
  |       /1  {1=c6m0p888dfvz}
The backup node for itself does not contain any data like in our real 
application but I think it might be symptomatic for the issue.

You can find the full logfiles here:

You can find the source code for the test here:http://www.cubeia.com/misc/cache

Warning, the code is a bit of a hack =)

To run it, start one instance with the argument 'master' and then another 
instance with the argument 'slave' directly after. I've put some system 
properties used in the javadoc of the main class.

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