Here is my plan - I'm wrapping up weblogic today, and this weekend.  

Then next week Websphere.  Because I know there are some more people 
interesting in websphere I'll share my progress as I go, and not wait until I 
finish updating the doc.

Just as a quick survey tell me about your application so I make sure I cover 
the needed areas.  My plan is to attempt to deploy the jee5/booking example 
which is seam + ejb3 + richfaces + hibernate/JPA etc....

I will also be porting an application generated through Seam gen.

The porting can be tricky until you figure out each containers quirks.  For 
example on weblogic you cannot deploy EJBs with varargs (which seam has), and 
OC4J needs a special file just so richfaces css files resolve.

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